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从此人间一切和美,万象更新。From now on all the and beauty, vientiane update.

律回春晖渐,万象始更新。Law gradually back Chunhui, Vientiane before updating.

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新年伊始,万象更新,我们又迎来了新的学期!At the beginning of the New Year, vientiane update, we ushered in the new semester!

春天来临,万象更新,新一轮播种和收获季节又要开始。Spring, Vientiane update, a new round of sowing and harvesting season is beginning.

大部份的电脑需要请运输公司运到永珍。It is necessary to hire a shipping company to ship most of our computers to Vientiane.

在佛公园摄,也寺昆万象25公里东南众所周知的。Photo taken at Buddha Park, also known as Wat Xieng Khuan 25 km southeast from Vientiane.

铁路使用的电力将来自中国和老挝双方。Electricity to build and run the new railway will have to come both from China and from Vientiane.

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在历史景点方面,则有西乐索炮台、海事博物馆和新加坡万象馆。The historical spots, there are cable-West Battery, the Marine Museum and the Museum of Singapore Vientiane.

还原成“祝您好运。恭喜发财。我的幸运之星。农历年在万象更新,新年所有的朋友了。”Good luck. Kung Hei Fat Choy. My Lucky Stars. Chinese New Year in Vientiane update, the New Year to all our friends had.

其首都万象很落后,旧法国殖民侵略者的房屋被重建为办公室、餐馆和旅馆。There is little modern in Vientiane. Old French colonial houses are being restored as offices and as restaurants and hotels.

其目前的铁路系统仅延伸了两英里——这足够从万象穿过湄公河到达泰国。Its current railway system stretches for just two miles — enough to get from Vientiane over the Mekong River and into Thailand.

大地山河森罗万象,都如水上之波,从水所现,除水以外,没有自体。The flowers Vientiane earth mountains and rivers, all water on the wave, from the water by now, other than water, not from the body.

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技艺高超的冀派内画大师们能够在小巧的鼻烟壶内,巧笔书出人间风流,画出世上万象。The superb artistry of painting masters in the compact a snuff-bottle, arbitrary, the airflow to the world, to draw the world vientiane.

他们将被安置在班帕LAK细胞,在克卡西区,万象省,老挝ZF已准备为他们的住宿。They will be resettled at Ban Pha-Lak, in Kasi district, Vientiane province, where the Lao government has prepared accommodations for them.

2004年11月30日,中国国务院总理温家宝在万象会见了老挝国会主席沙曼·维雅吉。On November 30, 2004, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council met with Chairman Saman Vinhaket of the Lao National Assembly in Vientiane.

塞塔提拉国王搬迁首都后曾兴建了许多庙宇,他希望万象成为一个佛教文化的中心。When King Setthathirath moved his capital, he built monasteries and temples, hoping that Vientiane would become a centre of Buddhist scholarship.

在老挝和泰国的边城廊开埠,明天踏车去老挝国首都永珍,距这里只有三十公里。Now at Nong Khai, the border town next to Laos. And I'm going to Laos capital of Vientiane for a short trip tomorrow, that's only 30km away from here.

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与其他东南亚邻国相比,老挝是个面积又小又贫困的内陆国家,只有一条流经首都万象的湄公河。Compared to its neighbors in Southeast Asia, Laos is small, poor, and landlocked, except for the Mekong River, which flows past its capital, Vientiane.

3月30日至31日,大湄公河次区域经济合作第三次领导人会议将在老挝首都万象召开。March 30 to 31, the Greater Mekong sub-regional economic cooperation will be the third meeting of the leaders held in the Laotian capital of Vientiane.

还有将路线扩伸到万象的计划,但考虑到这条短短线路开启的困难,计划的实施恐怕也是数年后的事了。There are also plans to extend the line into Vientiane but, given the difficulties in opening this tiny stretch of track, that could be many years off yet.