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这个长方体有几个面?。How many surfaces on the cuboid?

长方体的表面积计算。Count the surface area of cuboid.

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第三种则是和真人大小一致的立方体。The third was a human-sized cuboid.

计算区域选择了简单的长方体。A cuboid is chosen as computing area.

哪项有关长方体的特征是正确的?What are the correct properties of the cuboid?

用手摸一摸长方体的长、宽、高。Touch the length, the width and the height of a cuboid.

下列哪项是该长方体的正确网格?Which of the following is the correct net of the cuboid ?

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一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是8厘米、6厘米、4厘米。The length, width and height of a cuboid are 8cm, 6cm, and 4cm.

要计算长方体的表面积关键是要准确找到每个面的长和宽。The total areas of six surfaces on cuboid and cube, calling it surface area.

住宅采用立方体的结构,部分外立面的墙壁是可以移动的。The house took the form of a cuboid in which parts of the exterior walls are movable.

以下哪个组合的卡片可构成一个长方体?Which of the following combinations of cards can from a box in the shape of a cuboid ?

以简单好握的长方体做为基本形,并且可以轻松地放入医师袍前胸口的口袋。With simple and easy-used cuboid form, it can be put into the pocket of the ex- chest easily.

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给出了集装箱装载同一尺寸长方体货物问题的一种启发式算法。A heuristic algorithm is presented for the containers to load cuboid goods with the same size.

叔叔把一个大的长方体的烟花,放在路边,用打火机点燃导线,舅舅急忙回家。Uncle took a big cuboid fireworks, on the roadside, with lighter lit wires, uncle hurried home.

该程序是在长方体程序的基础上实现对其继承,实现对正方体的描述。The program is in the cuboid procedures based on their inheritance, to achieve a description of cube.

该石呈长方体斜卧于地面,微微向西倾斜,坚硬而呈铁黑色的石面光滑平整。The stone was cuboid Xiewo on the ground, tilted slightly westward , with iron and hard black stone surface smooth.

它主要由一钢制长方体和固定在其两端的两个相同直径的钢圆柱体组成。It mainly and fixes by a steeliness cuboid in its both sides two same diameter steel circular cylinders is composed.

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甚至M100的长方体组成,带拉丝不锈钢和玻璃的卓越表面都是纯美的享受。Even the cuboid form of the M100 with its superior surface of brushed stainless steel and glass is pure aesthetic enjoyment.

该分体式天线座通过伺服控制来实现天线的俯仰和横滚运动,从而准确地指向目标。The pedestal drives a cuboid antenna, which can pitch and roll to direct at target accurately, and is driven by servo control.

专题展览区设置在长方体外部的周围,它讲述了在第二次世界大战时周围村庄里更为广范围内的故事。Thematic displays set around the outside of the cuboid tell the wider story of the village in the context of the second world war.