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初步探索其机制,发现赤藓糖醇并没有破坏变异链球菌细胞壁结构的完整性。To study the mechanism of it, we found that erythritol didn't decompose the cell wall.

赤藓糖醇属于填充型甜味剂,口感清凉,热量低,安全性高。Erythritol is a kind of adding sweetener, with lower heat, cool feeling and food safety.

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可以采用化学合成法,但是微生物发酵法生产更占有优势。Erythritol produced by fermentation is more promising compared to chemical synthesis method.

本文简述了赤藓糖醇的物理化学特征、生理代谢特性、生产及应用情况。The character , production methods and the application of Erythritol are introduced in this paper.

本文着重介绍了目前世界赤藓糖醇市场的发展状况,并对其应用情况作了阐述。The article give an introduction about development situation of market and application for Erythritol.

因此赤藓糖醇可以作为有效的防龋途径加以应用,但具体防龋机制还有待进一步研究。So erythritol can be used as a caries-preventing substance, but further researches will be done to define the mechanism of it.

嘉吉公司声称,赤藓糖醇具有优越的消化耐受性相对于其它多元醇。Erythritol has a superior digestive tolerance to rival polyols, claims Cargill. All EU Member States will allow the use of erythritol by February 2008.

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嘉吉公司正在游说欧洲监管部门修订甜味剂法令,使厂商能使用赤藓糖醇作为甜味剂不会把泻药警告写在包装上。Cargill is lobbying regulators for an amendment to the European Sweeteners Directive so that manufacturers using erythritol as a sweetener would not have to put laxative warnings on packs.

寿光市华天糖醇有限公司主要生产销售固体山梨醇、液体山梨醇、麦芽糖醇和赤藓糖醇等糖醇产品。Shouguang Hotitol Co. , Ltd. is a main manufacturer of sorbitol crystal , sorbitol syrup, maltitol and erythritol in China. Our primary markets served industries of food, chemistry and medicine.

现介绍赤藓糖醇的生产和研究现状,耐高渗酵母赤藓糖醇的合成途径和赤藓糖醇的应用,并对其研究和发展提出看法。This paper introduces the current status and development tendency of the research and production of erythritol, and discusses the biosynthetic pathway of erythritol produced by an osmophilic yeast.