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我下决心狠狠的赚一笔。I am determined of firm firm earn brushstroke.

又可以给你带来一笔不上的流量。Can give the flow that you bring brushstroke not to go up again.

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东盛达成了一笔价值10多亿元的买卖。Dong Chengda became brushstroke value many yuan 10 buying and selling.

劳动力成本作为很大的一笔费用计入产品成本。Labor cost expends maneuver to enter product cost as very big brushstroke.

一笔意外的巨款最终归落何处?Does a huge sum of money of brushstroke accident return finally fall where?

然而,李可染的画法又靠了传统笔画的表现手法。However, Li Keran maintained traditional Chinese brushstroke techniques and painting skills.

他们早已超出了笔墨的游戏,而进入了笔墨的创造。Having already exceeded the playing of brushstroke, they entered the creation of brushstroke.

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我们不要忘记,画家的挥毫是动作被终止的某件东西。Let us not forget that the painter's brushstroke is something in which a movement is terminated.

这也是国内唱片业迄今为止最大的一笔索赔数额。This also is domestic record industry up to now number of the largest brushstroke claim for compensation.

我从来就没认为这是一笔不好的交易,无论价格如何,我们都愿意出售公司。I did not think this is brushstroke trades badly, no matter the price how, we are willing to sell a company.

这是网络招聘行业近年来最大规模的一笔融资。This is industry of network invite applications for a job in recent years the most massive brushstroke financing.

我可在一个国家向另一个国家的某银行申请一笔休眠款到我帐户上吗?Can I be in does a country apply for brushstroke dormancy money to arrive on my account to some bank of another country?

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丁磊预计先期养殖的1万头生猪,可能很快就能带来第一笔回报。Ding Lei predicts 10 thousand live pig of in advance breed aquatics , the likelihood can bring brushstroke redound very quickly.

20世纪初的一位美国意大利移民曾为人类精神历史写下灿烂光辉的一笔。At the beginning of the 20th century was an American Italian immigrants to the human spirit write glorious history of brushstroke.

事后,她又在杂货店靠眼泪博得了伙计的同情,将赃物出手,狠赚了一笔。After the event, she relied on tear to earn the compassion of counterjumper in drug-store again, dispose of spoil, firm earned brushstroke.

因为画面上所有元素都是相互关联的,每一笔,每一块颜色,都以其他的元素正确性为依据,。Because all elements in my picture are interrelated. Each brushstroke and color shape is dependent on every other one for their correctness.

从巴马市到坡月村,路两旁是树木和岩石构成的美丽风景,彷佛中国水彩画一般。The road from Bama City to Poyue looks out at dramatic tree-lined rock outcroppings , the sort that inspired China's famous brushstroke paintings.

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当时图王给我介绍的第一笔广告费是中资源的一个图标,在网站上飞过去飞过来的。The cost of brushstroke advertisement that graph king introduces to me at that time is medium an icon of resource, on the website flying past flies.

根据青少年服务中心报告,记者算了一笔账,发现这一调查结果相当不靠谱。According to report of teenage service center, the reporter calculated brushstroke Zhang, discover this one findings comparatives not to rely on chart.

马克斯的好友南希通过电脑查出了这实际上是古巴人与国家安全局的一笔幕后交易,杀手则是国安局的特遣队。Max friend Nancy through the computer have found this is actually cubans and national security brushstroke behind-the-scenes deal, killer is the nsa's detachment.