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职业是最重要的。Professionalism is all-important.

一直都要保持职业化。Maintain professionalism at all times.

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他们希望职业化些。They expect some degree of professionalism.

凡有新顾客,你都得做到敬业周到。You must greet new clients with polite professionalism.

专业化是怎么占据了如此统治性的地位?How did the concept of professionalism become so dominant?

但是,温度升高不应该导致职业化程度降低。But, professionalism shouldn't decrease as temperatures rise.

这个工程的可行性正面临信任危机。The professionalism of this project is facing a crisis of trust.

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但是对于我而言,专业化是个吊诡的名词。But it was often unclear to me what the word professionalism meant.

裙装似乎是职业和吸引力的一种平衡。The skirt suit seems to balance professionalism with attractiveness.

职业精神和竞争意识已经渗入生活的方方面面。Professionalism and competitiveness have entered every aspect of life.

我军的勇气和敬业精神是世界上首屈一指的。The courage and professionalism of our armed forces are second to none.

他怀着激情、奉献精神和专业精神应对每一项挑战。He tackled every challenge with passion, dedication and professionalism.

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近些年,我在自己的业务上得到了医学专业素养的教育。I’ve made education in medical professionalism my business in recent years.

待人诚恳,工作主动认真,富有敬业精神。Treat people sincerely, work initiative seriously, full of professionalism.

为什么我们必须依据基本的供给和需求来定义一个职业?Why do we have to define professionalism in terms of basic supply and demand?

在我看来,他们对待事物的态度是我见过最专业的。The manner they handled the proceedure was to me, professionalism at its best.

科叶公司提倡的敬业精神是专业,专心,专一。Companies to promote professionalism is professional, attentive, single-minded.

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只是带着你辛苦得到的职业风度安静的离开。Don't get even. Just get out with your hard-earned professionalism still intact.

这个世界人人平等,因此没有专家也没有教授。It was a world without inequality and therefore without experts or professionalism.

事实上,专业性只是自我定义并没有事实上的步骤。In fact, professionalism wasn’t so much a real process as a form of self-definition.