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它们不像尼古丁。They’re not like nicotine.

嗯,低尼古丁,高糠醛。Huh. low in nicotine high in furfur al.

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尼古丁渍染黄了他的下巴和手指。Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers.

尼古丁是无色有毒生物碱。Nicotine is a colorless , poisonous alkaloid.

尼古丁既是一种兴奋剂也是一种镇定剂。Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant.

人在吸收了尼古丁之后会怎么样?What happens to people after ingesting nicotine?

而电子香烟是利用气化内部含有的尼古丁的液体的原理制成的。E-cigarettes vaporize liquid containing nicotine.

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我只抽尼古丁含量低的香烟。I only smoke cigarettes with low nicotine content.

我只抽尼古丁含量低的香烟。I only smoke cigarettes with a low nicotine content.

好了,我认为有人该换尼古丁贴片了。I think it's time to change somebody's nicotine patch.

尼古丁是一种尤其高活性的分子。In particular, nicotine is a highly flexible molecule.

尼古丁是刺激剂,它有和咖啡因相似的作用。Nicotine is a stimulant, with effects similar to caffeine.

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他的牙齿因多年吸烟而被尼古丁染黄了。His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking.

香烟里的尼古丁和咖啡里的咖啡因也可以被滥用。Nicotine in cigarettes and caffeine in coffee can be abused.

通过口袋形状的改变,尼古丁就能很合适地在里面起作用。"The box reshapes so nicotine can cozy up, " Dougherty says.

睡觉前4-6小时避免咖啡因,酒和尼古丁。Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine 4-6 hours before bedtime.

这些锭剂中含有烟草最令人上瘾的成分——尼古丁。The tablets contain tobacco's most addictive component, nicotine.

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毕竟,香烟里的尼古丁是一种很容易让人上瘾的毒品。After all, the nicotine in cigarettes is a powerfully addictive drug.

你可以自行买些尼古丁口香糖,糖锭,或者是尼古丁贴片等非处方类药物。You can buy nicotine gum, lozenges, or patches without a prescription.

略懂,这就是为何我选择抽含尼古丁和焦油量低的品牌香烟。Yeah, but that's why I smoke a brand with low nicotine and tar content.