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那动物有著一只须毛丛生的长鼻子。The creature had a long nose bristling with whiskers.

我赶忙从花丛里折下了一枝满是鲜艳粉嫩的杜鹃。I snapped a small limb bristling with hot pink azaleas off the bush.

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悬崖陡峭,被炸得光滑,竖立着碎玻璃。The cliffs are sheer, blasted smooth and bristling with broken glass.

这艘楔型大船上武器密布。The wedge-shaped capital ship is bristling with weapons emplacements.

但是他们不用通过沉思默想重重安全来保卫领土。Though they do not broodily guard their patch with bristling security.

“威尔克斯太太的话,你就不必怀疑了。”阿尔奇说。他的胡子也翘了起来。"Don't you question Miz Wilkes' word, " said Archie, his beard bristling.

二十只船两边束草上,排满箭枝。The 20 boats were bristling with arrows stuck on bundled weeds on both sides.

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将毛竖起来能让它们在敌人面前显得身子比较庞大且更具威吓力。Bristling fur makes them appear larger and more formidable to their adversaries.

膜层遍布着受体和通道门,不会使物质随意渗入或渗出。Bristling with receptors and gates, these layers don’t let just anything leak in or out.

“我说她可是真会自高自大自我欣赏呵,”一只鬃毛直竖的刺猬也附和着。"Stuck up and very pleased with herself, I'd say, " responded a hedgehog, its bristles bristling.

当一只凶恶的或者受到惊吓的狗向你狂吠时,这些肌肉就会让毛发竖立起来。When an angry or frightened dog barks at you, these are the muscles that raise its bristling hair.

显微镜下的萝卜籽们看上去像一群张牙舞爪的侵略者。It takes a microscope to make a handful of carrot seeds look like a swarm of bristling space invaders.

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高高的山坡上长出了颜色暗淡的石南属植物,河谷里旨出了一片片毛茬茬的粗糙不平的绿色。The higher slopes grew dark with heather. Patches of rougher and more bristling green appeared in the valley.

就如所有中国观察家所预期的那样,北京对于外界的指责感到愤怒。As any China watcher would expect though, Beijing is bristling at the thought it’s being singled out for blame.

他从一位柬埔寨金边的16岁战士的视角切入,整首诗弥漫着一种危险的气息。He writes from the perspective of a 16-year-old soldier in Phnom Penh, his verse suddenly bristling with danger.

鬣毛直竖的野兽,在某种超自然力逼近时,感到惊愕失措。Nature, bristling and wild, takes alarm at certain approaches in which she fancies that she feels the supernatural.

里面几乎没有穿黑衣服戴圆边帽的人。是些穿罩衫、布褂、戴鸭舌帽、头发蓬乱竖立、面如土色的人。There were hardly any black coats or round hats now, but smock frocks, blouses, caps, and bristling and cadaverous heads.

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作为交易的条件,伊利丹将会得到巨大的力量并在燃烧军团的领导者中占有一席之地。Bristling with power and free to roam the world once more, Illidan set out to find his own place in the great scheme of things.

大厅和会议室中充斥着关于什么是科学废话的看法。-这里是一幅引发恐惧的图。The halls and conference rooms bristling with what amounts to scientific trash talk. -Here is the graph that started the scare.

天线林立的山脉中,隐藏着如迷宫般不怕炮击的地下军火库,以及有4公里长的隧道与外界连接的防空洞。A mountain range bristling with antennas harbors a maze of bombproof underground arsenals and shelters served by a tunnel 4km long.