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我们可以用分期付款的方式买吗?Can we buy it on instalment?

我用分期付款购买房子。I bought the house by instalment.

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第二批、第三批将在明年进行。Second, the third instalment in the next year.

不久我将付我债务的最后一期款项。I shall soon pay the last instalment of my debt.

你能几乎保证这些将会为下就职被再访。You can almost guarantee that these will be revisited for the next instalment.

这是连续三篇关于移动旅游科技文章的第三部分,也是最后一部分。This is the third and final instalment in a three part series on mobile travel technology.

这是一项始于小布什总统任期内的一揽子军火交易计划的第三笔交易。This was the third instalment of a package of arm sales started under President George W Bush.

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在文章的第一部分,清华大学教授秦晖批评中国官方的僵化回应。In the first instalment of a three-part article, historian Qin Hui criticises Beijing's response.

本文共分三部分。作者在第一部分中呼吁采取新的方式对印度河流域进行治理。In the first instalment of a three-part article, they call for a new approach to the Indus basin.

然而,第二批申请者更少,所用掉的资金依然只占总资金的“一个角”。However, the second instalment of applicants less, the total funds expended funds still "one Kok."

你们会有足够的时间分期付款,只要等我每个星期来收一次钱,现在,谁想成为雀起乡的第一个能拥有一桶专属上好啤酒的人?Just put your instalment by each week for me to come and collect. Now who's gonna to be the very first in Lark Rise.

看得出家俱是仓促间凑合起来的,是那种分期付款商店卖的质量很差的货色。One could see that the furniture was of that poor, hurriedly patched together quality sold by the instalment houses.

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在本文的第一部分中,琳达•雅各布森分析了中国对北极地区日渐增加的兴趣。In the first instalment of a three-part article, Linda Jakobson explores China's growing interest in the thawing north.

对设计、安装、维修异周速切头飞剪有一定的参考价值。The dissusion may be of reference value to the designing, instalment and repair of differential speed cutting crop shear.

这第四批档案由14个文件组成,有目击、信件和议会咨询的问题,时间跨度为1981至1996年。This fourth instalment consists of 14 files of sightings, letters and Parliamentary Questions spanning from 1981 to 1996.

马里欧诺几天前才去过诊所偿还部分债务,诊所也欣然接受了。Just a few days earlier Mulyono had visited the clinic to pay an instalment of the debt, and the sum had been accepted gladly.

在田径运动场的施工中,要求跑道内突沿的周长达到最佳精确度。The construction of a track and field sports ground requires the most accuracy of the circumferential instalment of track kerbs.

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在上次专栏节目中,我介绍了上个世纪20年代期间艾灵顿公爵是如何将爵士乐提升至了新台阶的。In the last instalment of 50 great moments in jazz, I looked at how Duke Ellington moved jazz on to a new level during the 1920s.

在最新的这部哈利波特开场,卑鄙的食死族就向麻瓜世界和魔法世界展开了猛烈的进攻。Things start powerfully in this latest instalment as both Muggle and wizarding worlds are under attack from dastardly Death Eaters.

最后一集「国企聚焦」,将分析中国中材的投资前景,以及它可能面对的挑战。In our last instalment of Spotlight on Chinese Enterprises, Money Magazine looks at the prospects, and challenges facing the company.