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要妳证明爱我的决心。Wants you to prove the Caritas my determination.

博爱与其他慈善团体称之为“能源贫困。”Caritas and other charity groups call it "energy poverty."

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十一位骑士之中,部分是香港明爱理事会和辖下委员会的成员。A number of the other members are council or committee members of Caritas Hong Kong.

随后一段时间,他担任迈门辛地区“博爱孟加拉”机构的区域主任。Then for a period, he was the Regional Director of Caritas Bangladesh for the Mymensingh Region.

「明爱赛马会荔景社会服务中心」的学员认识可口可乐的历史背景及汽水制作过程。Caritas Jockey Club Lai King Rehabilitation Centre members learn about the history and production of Coca Cola.

1987年,安利捐赠一辆七座位流动图书车,以支持明爱儿童发展计划。In1987 am way donated a seven-seat mobile library "joy van" in support of the caritas child development project.

1987年,安利捐赠一辆七座位流动图书车,以支持明爱儿童发展计划。In 1987, Amway donated a seven-seat Mobile Library "Joy Van" in support of the Caritas Child Development Project.

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本人确定以上资料无误,并明白二手电脑有一定风险,明爱只能提供有限度的保养。Applicant understands that Caritas only provide limited guarantees to the purchased parts and refurbished computer.

澳门社会工作局九月廿一日与澳门明爱签署「短期食物补助服务」合作协议,为期两年。The Social Welfare Bureau has chosen Caritas Macau to run its Short-term Food Assistance Programme for a two-year period.

瑞士天主教明爱会主办这个称为「百万蜡烛」活动,以突显团结、社会正义和合作的价值。The "One Million Candles" event was organized by Caritas Switzerland to mark a sign of solidarity, social justice and cooperation.

本人明白在本表格所填报之资料,会使用于入学遴选及一切有关申请就读明爱徐诚斌学院课程的事宜。I understand that the information contained in this form will be used for processing my application for admission to Caritas Francis Hsu College.

明爱青少年及社区服务访问了51名24岁以下曾进行中止怀孕的女子,有4成多受访者再次怀孕。Caritas Youth and Community Service interviewed 51 women under the age of 24 who had had abortions. More than forty percent became pregnant again.

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救灾需要资金。一些救灾团体如国际牛津饥荒救济委员会和印度明爱已经在开展救灾工作,向这些救灾团体的捐款似乎远远不够。That takes money—donating to relief groups like Oxfam International or Caritas India, which are already working on the ground now, would go a long way.

香港个人护理用品权威品牌——川谷秀。是国际最具权威的个性化的个人护理品牌。Caritas – is an authorized brand name of personal care goods in Hong Kong, which also is an international authoritative brand name in personal care market.

男人和女人的智商和博爱也都优越于人类社会的男人和女人。和他们相比格列佛感到自己如此渺小和微不足道。Since the intelligence and caritas of the people in Brobdingnag is superior to those in the human society, Guliver feels he is so small and fiddling compared with them.

由新界喇沙中学、马鞍山圣若瑟中学及明爱马鞍山中学举办的探访上水圣若瑟安老院活动已于2010年2月6日顺利举行。On 6th February 2010, students from Ma On Shan St. Joseph' s Secondary School, Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School and De La Salle Secondary School, N. T. joined to visit St.

时有信奉天主教的一对对新人在此举行婚礼,教堂以中葡两种语言做弥撒,并设有“明爱生命线辅导中心”对教友进行心理咨询。" When a pair of new Catholics in this wedding, churches and Portuguese languages to do mass, and a "lifeline Caritas counselling centre" of Catholics for psychological counseling.

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灾难中的日日夜夜,那些坚守、自强、担当,那些真诚、善良、博爱,像阳光照亮了天地,温暖着人心。In the days of calamity, the holding one's ground, constantly striving to become stronger, taking on, the empressement , goodness and caritas light the heaven and earth, warmed the people's heart.