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它被称作挖泥机。It is called dredge.

不要拖锚。Do not dredge anchor.

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挖泥船仍然停泊在小湾中。The dredge sat in the boat basin.

有一个沙底要疏浚。There is a sandy bottom to dredge.

好了,我们不要再提以前吵来吵去的事了。Come on now. Let's not dredge up old quarrels.

在背景里,你可以看到另外一辆挖泥机。In the background you may see one more dredge.

治疗中多用疏肝、清肝之剂。The treatment is mainly to dredge and clear liver.

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菏泽疏通下水道到哪里去找?Where does Heze dredge a sewer going round to look for?

将羊肉洗干净,撒上盐,胡椒和奥及阿奴。Wash the lamb, and dredge with salt, pepper and oregano.

再一次这些养分可以通过泥泵回收利用。Again these nurtients could be recycled through the dredge.

浸入打好的蛋液中,再捞出裹上面包屑。Dip into beaten eggs then dredge with seasoned bread crumbs.

挖泥船是用来挖掘或捞取河底物质的船或设备。A dredger is a boat or a device which is used to dredge rivers.

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不要再在挖掘那些过去的陈谷子烂芝麻了,小贝--沙克尔和科比已经是朋友了现在。Don't dredge up the past, Becks -- Shaq and Kobe are friends now.

链斗式挖泥船在浅滩整治,河道疏通方面起着不可估量的作用。The bucket dredger in Shoal, dredge river plays an invaluable role.

这种捞网用几个半球状的铲子代替了锯齿横杆。The dredge has several hemispheric scoops in place of the toothed bar.

重锤式拖网取样器是对现行常规拖网的技术改进。Hammer dredge is a technical improvement of the existing dredge sampler.

采砂船液压系统是采砂船各项功能顺利实现的保证。The hydraulic system is a guarantee for the various functions of a dredge.

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酒店内建筑及所有场地的地下管道、地漏和阴井的清理、疏通。Clean and dredge all underground drainage pipe, floor traps & sewerage pits.

治疗上急则治标,以清热解毒、益气养阴、滋液润窍为主,同时配合化痰通窍等治本之剂。In the same time, to treat primary cause, dissipate phlegm and dredge orifices are needed.

这种方法使用一个安装在被叫做捞网的装置上的巨大“钉耙”直接刮过海床。It uses an enormous, toothed bar mounted on a device called a dredge to scrape the seabed.