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我很同情夏洛克。I am so sympathetic with Shylock.

同情的泪水润湿了我的双颊。Sympathetic tears bedewed my cheeks.

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如果你需要谁倾听你的苦处,我在这儿呢。If you need a sympathetic ear, I am here.

她对我母亲的去世深表同情。She was very sympathetic when my mother died.

他看起来很和善,是个热心人。He had a sympathetic look, he was warm-hearted.

我对此深表同情,但是哪里是我的位置呢?I'm sympathetic to that, but where do I fit in?

再次占卜――感知的魔法,就和它的称呼一样。Scrying again ― sympathetic magic, as it's called.

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迈克尔罹患了心脏交感神经损伤。Michael suffered a sympathetic injury to his heart.

二十岁至四十岁之间的人不懂得惺惺惜惺惺。People between twenty and forty are not sympathetic.

科比的案件在澳大利亚引起了广泛的同情。Corby 's case struck a sympathetic cord in Australia.

其实他们只要支着耳朵同情地倾听就行了。It would be better if he simply lent a sympathetic ear.

我低头看着五岁的儿子,那是一张充满同情的小脸。I looked down into my five-year-old son's sympathetic face.

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阿拉伯舆论,甚至在逊尼派国家,同情伊朗。Arab opinion, even in Sunni nations, is sympathetic to Iran.

尽管如此,总统对雪豹的下落还是十分关心。But the President was sympathetic to the plight of the leopard.

天秤座母亲浪漫温情、充满同情心。Libran moms are sentimental, romantic and sympathetic at heart.

有同情心而无识别力是多么虚弱。To be sympathetic without discrimination is so very debilitating.

澳大利亚的新闻报道对捕鲸者则不那么同情。Australian news coverage was less sympathetic towards the whalers.

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神经生长因子对交感神经元和感觉神经元的存活至关重要。NGF is crucial to the survival of sympathetic and sensory neurons.

这个文化是关于“与反驳观点共鸣”的。That culture is about sympathetic engagement with counterargument.

贝多芬从小就十分同情劳苦大众。Beethoven's childhood will be very sympathetic to the working class.