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这是最完美的内在行动可能性质。This is the most perfect immanent action possible to nature.

由于死固有于生,因此几乎所有的生活都是一种苦闷。Since death is immanent in life, almost all of life is an agony.

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上帝是内在的,超越性,以及个人所有在同一时间内。God is immanent , transcendent, and personal all at the same time.

在绝望的状态中,焦虑和不安是与生俱来的。Despair is the state in which anxiety and restlessness are immanent to existence.

在一个人没有开口说话的时候,站姿便表现了她内在的精神。When a person talks without the mouth, station appearance behaved her immanent spirit.

女人不但要外表漂漂亮亮,而且内在的美也不应该忽略。Woman not only want appearance beautiful, and immanent beauty also not should oversight.

本文对中国经济持续高速增长的原因和内在合理性进行了分析。This paper analyzed the reasons of high growth of China's economy and its immanent rationality.

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不管陈的内在美不美,但他的外表对很多人来说就是美。Without giving thought to old immanent beauty, but his appearance is beautiful to a lot of people.

因此,拥有一头健康漂亮的秀发可以让我们时刻显现真正的内在之美。Accordingly, the beautiful hair that has a healthy beauty can let us always show real immanent beauty.

购买时可以通过敲击碎片的办法来检查瓷砖的内在质量。The measure that knock fragment can adopt when buying will check the immanent quality of ceramic tile.

三是加强干部思想教育,提高内在素质,增强自律意识。It is to strengthen cadre thought education, improve immanent quality, enhance autonomic consciousness.

在这种方式下,概念便把存在作为它对自己的简单的联系,或者作为他自己本身内统一的直接性。In this manner the notion has being as its simple self-relation, or as the immediacy of its immanent unity.

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而另一方面,伽达默尔则试图通过将其建基于语言和存在来明确意义。Gadamer, on the other hand, sought to make immanent again the meaning by grounding it in language and Being.

这些内在和外在的不利因素,造成了老年人容易骨折的现象。These are immanent with explicit adverse element, causedSenileThe person is easy the phenomenon of fracture.

论文的第二和第三章是分别从幽默小说的内容以及内在构成等方面对幽默小说的文化特征进行解析。Both The second and third chapter analyses the culture of humor stories from the content and immanent composing.

其依据主要是生产要素的所有权和市场经济的内在客观要求。Its basis basically is the immanent and external demand of the droit of factor of production and market economy.

问题是为什么自由放纵与原教旨主义两者之间的对立存在于同一体系中。The question is why the contrast between liberal permissiveness and fundamentalism is totally immanent to the system.

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思想政治理论课教育教学和学生党建工作具有内在的统一性。The ideological and political theory course teaching has immanent unity with the Party construction for college students.

拥有亚洲人美之经典的全智贤,认为亚洲的美更加体现在那份内在的沉着。Have the classical Quan Zhixian of Asian beauty, think Asian beauty more body the portion is then immanent now ad cool-headed.

美化环境只是颜色的表面功能,照亮心情才是颜色的内在潜能。Beautification environment is the exterior function of color only, enlighten the immanent potential that the mood just is color.