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结果表明除半年项、周年项外,在谱图中还存在2年、3.1年、4.4年项。They are 2, 3.1, 4.4 years besides semiannual and annual terms.

按照国会的要求,财政部每半年发布汇率操纵国报告。The Treasury makes such determinations in a semiannual report required by Congress.

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债券持有人在每半年支付一次的息票获得的利息。For example, the interest earned by a bondholder between semiannual coupon payments.

他2006年就职后不久帮助发起了这一每半年一次的高层对话。He helped launch the high-level semiannual talks shortly after taking office in 2006.

有息票债券附有息票的债务,每半年支付利息一次。Coupon bond a debt obligation with coupons attached that represent semiannual interest payments.

本月稍后时间他还将到此阐述其对经济与货币政策的半年展望。He will return later in the month to give his semiannual outlook for the economy and monetary policy.

每年一次或者每半年一次的考评是不够的,他们想知道公司每星期、甚至每天对他们的评价。An annual or even semiannual evaluation isn't enough. They want to know how they're doing weekly, even daily.

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提醒秘书缴交半年报告,并要求他们寄一份他们的工作表的影本给地区总监。Remind secretaries of semiannual reports and ask them to send a copy of their worksheets to the district governor.

又自民国八十三年起改为半年刊,于每年一月及七月出刊。Beginning from 1994, Taipei Economic Inquiry changes to a semiannual publication. It is issued every January and July.

提醒秘书们半年报告并请他们寄一份工作表影本给地区总监。Remind secretaries of the semiannual reports and ask them to send a copy of their worksheets to the district governor.

这是前财政部长汉克鲍尔森在半年度会议上从与会的中方官员身上得到的教训。That was the main lesson of former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s semiannual meetings with his Chinese counterparts.

记录支付给债券持有者的半年利息,并确认自上年末以来两个月的应计利息费用。To record semiannual interest payment to bondholders, and to recognize two months' interest expense accrued since year-end.

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这是前财政部长汉克鲍尔森在半年度会议上从与会的中方官员身上得出的结论。That was the main lesson of former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson's semiannual meetings with his Chinese counterparts. For two years, Mr.

一项衡量贸易公司状况的半年度指数显示,中国出口企业的信心下滑至2009年初以来的最低水平。Confidence among China's export businesses has slipped to the lowest level since early 2009, according to a semiannual index of trade companies.

美国财政部4月份也将必须就是否正式给中国贴上“汇率操纵国”的标签作出一年两次的决定。The U.S. Department of the Treasury in April also must make its semiannual determination of whether to formally label China a 'currency manipulator.'

EISCAT观测到的电子密度显示出显著的太阳活动高年“冬季异常”和太阳活动低年半年变化等现象。The electron densities from EISCAT observations show obviously the wellknown winter anomaly in solar maximum and a semiannual variation in solar minimum.

在一份备受期待的半年期报告中,财政部突然停止将北京归为货币操纵者,这一做法会招致美国法律制裁。In a much-anticipated semiannual report, the Treasury stopped short of labeling Beijinga currency manipulator, which could trigger sanctions under U. S. law.

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同时采用自然正交分量分析法研究9年的DMSP卫星测得的顶部离子浓度的年度异常和地磁活动异常。Based on 9-year topside ionospheric ion density data measured from DMSP satellites, we further study the topside ionospheric annual and semiannual variations.

在一份备受期待的半年期报告中,财政部突然不再把北京称为货币操纵者了,按美国法律操纵货币者会受到法律制裁。In a much-anticipated semiannual report, the Treasury stopped short of labeling Beijing a currency manipulator, which could trigger sanctions under U. S. law.

半年一次的驱赶仍然存在,这个时候牛仔们描绘几个牧场的疆界,骑着马绕着大圈将所有能找到的牛集合到一起。There was still the semiannual roundup when cowboys representing several ranches rendezvoused and rode great circles, rounding up all the cattle they could find.