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一个懒惰的人'的生活单调和沉闷。A lazy man's life is dull and spiritless.

奋力爬出诠释懦弱的悬崖。Crawls furiously the annotation spiritless cliff.

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懦弱是一条很难合拢的口。Spiritless is the mouth which very difficult to close up.

琼忽然觉得这个女孩子太没有种了,简直使人无法忍受。The girl seemed to june, suddenly, intolerably spiritless.

一位宾馆的工作人员说,刘翔看起来很累,精神疲惫。A hotel staff member said Liu looked tired and "spiritless".

在那些失败的场次中,我们打得无精打采。In our losses, it seems like we play listlessly and spiritless.

怎么了,平常挺活泼的今天怎么发苶了?The child used to be lively, why does he seem so spiritless today?

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懒惰的人一生沉闷,毫无生气,生和死没什么两样。A lazy man's life is dull and spiritless . While in life he is lifeless.

嫂子说,她从来没见过懦弱的父亲那样坚强而有力量!The sister-in-law said that, she has not seen the spiritless father to be such firm the powerful quantity!

思他,想他,恋他,爱他,却不能诉说!这是伟大或是懦弱?。Thinks he, thinks him, loves him, loves him, actually cannot sue shifts this is great perhaps is spiritless?

如果某人不加入一般人的争夺,或是不汲汲于生财之道,我们就会认为他精神委靡,缺乏抱负。If he does not join the general scramble and pant with the money-making street, we deem him spiritless and lacking in ambition.

在建筑的不同层高创造一些有植物的绿色空间是为了避免在公寓中居住而产生的沉闷的感觉。Creating some green spaces with plants in different levels of building, in order to running away from spiritless sense of living in an apartment.

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你们中的一些人也许发现自己有明显的不同,甚至以为自己是被抛弃的,无法融进到一种结构化的,没有生气的社会中。Some of you may find yourselves as noticeably different even look upon yourselves as outcasts and unable to fit into a structured and spiritless society.

然而,令人惊奇的是情感的冷酷,无精打采比洋溢青春的热情和愉悦更能左右我们。At the same time, it seems very extraordinary, that so frosty, spiritless a passion should be able to carry us further than all the warmth of youth and pleasure.

一天夜里姐姐新奇死去,随后妹妹也开端阅历一些新奇的事情,变得肉体恍惚不安,于是向福尔摩斯求助。One day , the older sister of the twin died weirdly, since then the younger one started to experience some strange things as well, she became spiritless , then she went to Sherlock Holmes for help.