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耳针针刺的注意事项。The matters need attention of auricular acupunture.

这就像通过一些耳听力设备援助。This is like hearing through some auricular device aid.

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了解耳针的近代研究概况。Know about the development of auricular acupuncture therapy.

耳穴治疗的配穴思路。The combination of acupoints of auricular acupuncture therapy.

发生副耳状面的骶骨有较多的变异。There were many variations in sacrums with accessory auricular surfaces.

耳穴是指耳廓上一些特定的刺激点或刺激部位。Auricular points are some certain stimulating spots or areas on the auricle.

耳廓由耳廓软骨和覆盖其上的皮肤组成。The pinna consists of the auricular cartilages and the skin that overlies them.

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基于快速成型技术的人耳赝复体的设计与制造。Design and fabrication of auricular prostheses based on rapid prototype technology.

目的耳穴贴压护理对肛肠疾病术后疼痛的影响。Objective Auricular pressure nursing affect to pain after anorectal disease operating.

耳甲腔成形和乳突腔骨膜瓣填充可增加干耳率。The plasty of cavity of auricular concha and mastoid obliteration can raise drying ear rate.

如消毒不严格,容易感染而致耳翼软骨膜炎,造成不良后果。If disinfection is not strict, it is easy to lead to auricular perichondritis due to infection.

对无糖黑木耳薏米保健饮料的加工工艺进行了初步探讨研究。Processing technology of auricular auricula and Job's tears beverage without sugar was studied.

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外耳重建是外科整形手术中最具挑战性的手术之一。In plastic reconstruction surgeries, total auricular reconstruction for microtia is a challenge.

是你们,给予从事耳穴诊疗的我们以坚持的勇气和推广的信心!Is you, to engage in Auricular of our clinics to adhere to the courage and confidence to promote!

探索大学生失眠患者的耳穴敏感点及耳压治疗效果。To explore tender spots on the ears of insomniacs and curative effect of auricular point sticking.

介绍40例近视眼病例的耳穴耗散特性实验研究。We researched into the dissipative characteristic of human auricular points in 40 cases of myopia.

耳穴贴压疗法是中医外治法中的重要治法。Auricular point sticking therapy is important in the treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicinal methods.

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肝静脉阻断方法采用绕线结扎、血管带阻断或血管夹及心耳钳夹闭法。Ligation or occlusion with serrefine, tourniquet and auricular clamp were used in hepatic veins occlusion.

通过对耳穴的望诊,压诊,电测等还可用于诊断疾病。Diagnosis can be made by observing, pressing and measuring the electrical resistance on the auricular points.

目前没有证据证明耳针对于治疗可卡因的依赖性是有效的。There is currently no evidence that auricular acupuncture is effective for the treatment of cocaine dependence.