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他拧开了芥子酱的瓶盖。He unscrewed a jar of mustard.

野莴苣与牛蒡花。Wild mustard green and burdock.

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李派林,甜椒,番茄沙司,芥末。HP sauce, chili, ketchup, mustard.

他向菜里放了些芥末。He put some mustard into the dish.

他把芥末很快地涂在三明治上。He slapped mustard on the sandwich.

芥末我吃不来。I'm not especially fond of mustard.

或者自己在家中淹榨菜来吃。Or their own home flooded eat mustard.

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汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。All hamburger with ketchup and mustard.

汉堡都加了芥茉和蕃茄酱。They all come with mustard and ketchup.

深芥末黄色带铜色亮片。Deep mustard yellow with copper sparkle.

我不小心掉了一团芥末在裤子上。I dropped a glob of mustard on my pants.

加芥末酱和小萝卜会很美味。It tastes great with mustard and radish.

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汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。B、They all come with mustard and ketchup.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。B, They all come with mustard and ketchup.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。All hamburger are with mustard and ketchup.

有点色差,芥茉黄比较好看。A little color, mustard yellow looks better.

首先我们把买来的生榨菜洗干净。First of all, we bought raw mustard cleaned.

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可从芥菜籽中提炼出芥末油。Mustard oil can be extracted from the seeds.

噢!加芥末酱和小萝卜会很美味的。Oh, it tastes great with mustard and radish.

啊,放了芥菜和小萝卜好吃多了。Oh, it tastes great with mustard and radish.