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他躺在地毯上。He reclined on a rug.

这条地毯能卷起来。The rug can double up.

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泥污弄脏了地毯。The mud spotted the rug.

窗饰与小地毯很相配。The drapes blend with the rug.

用这条毛毯盖在你的膝盖上。Cover your knees with this rug.

我最爱的还有地下的海草地毯。And the sea grass rug – I adore it!

那只狗蜷着身子躺在地毯上。The dog curled itself up on the rug.

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她给睡著的孩子盖上了毯子。She put a rug over the sleeping child.

熊皮毯是他一件引以自豪的礼物。The rug is a gift heisproudto display.

塑料地毯遮住了坑坑洼洼的车道。The plastic rug hides a bumpy driveway.

你不妨象毡毯中的臭虫那样舒服地坐着。You might sit as snug as a bug in a rug.

地毯跟房屋内部的木质结构很协调。The rug tones in well with the wood-work.

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当毯子展开的时候,我就从里面滚了出来。When the rug was unrolled, I tumbled out.

纳厄姆选择了一张蓝灰色的灯芯绒丝绸地毯。Nahem chose a blue-gray corduroy silk rug.

吐出来的东西都溅到地毯上了。His vomit spluttered on the thick bear rug.

柏柏尔小地毯可以当色彩艳丽的壁毯。A Berber rug makes a colourful wall-hanging.

您要不要在壁炉前放一张地毯?Do you want a rug in front of the fireplace?

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猫又在这块昂贵的地毯上撒尿。Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug.

地毯上的图案很匀称。The designs in the rug are well proportioned.

我得看着我哥哥家的小兔崽子!Because I have to watch my brother's rug rats.