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高级语法着色。Advanced syntax coloring.

玉米糖浆跟色素吗?Karo syrup and food coloring?

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我选了一个白雪公主来涂色。I elected to a Snow White coloring.

无添加防腐剂或者颜色。No preservatives or coloring added.

学习金山画王中倒色工具的使用。To learn how to use coloring tools.

孩子正在用颜色填一张勾好轮廓的画。The child was coloring in an outline drawing.

我瞥了一眼乔纳森,他正忙着画一幅画。I glanced at my son busily coloring a picture.

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纹章甲不正确的着色被修正。Incorrect coloring of heraldic mails is fixed.

过多的烫发和染发会对发质造成损害。Too much perming and coloring can be harmful.

我会用彩色笔去涂我的书本。I will use the coloring pencil to color my book.

不添加防腐剂、色素和香精香料。No preservative, flavoring or coloring is added.

还要注意到对这两项语法的着色。Also notice syntax coloring of these two entries.

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你报答她,把餐桌涂成大花脸。You thanked her by coloring the dining room table.

我们还有没有那些关于二恶英的儿童图画书呢?Do we have any more of those dioxin coloring books?

烧焦的糖,用于为食物染色并使之变甜。Burnt sugar, used for coloring and sweetening foods.

挖出一本泛黄老旧的图画书,给书中的画涂上颜色。Dig out an old coloring book and color in a picture.

平涂是一种画面的颜色的处理方式。Ping Tu is a coloring technique in painting practice.

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黑色素同时也主导着头发和眼睛的颜色。Melanin is also responsible for hair and eye coloring.

他们为许多万圣节的图片涂色。They then colored some Halloween-themed coloring pages.

这种饮料不掺人造香精或着色剂。This drink contains no artificial flavoring or coloring.