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她的红色野马脱缰而出。Her red mustang drove like a baby.

小野马和卓越为7。Little Mustang and Eminent were 7.

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74岁的飞行员驾驶着这架p-51野马式战斗机。The 74-year-old was flying a P-51 Mustang.

那是部1992年野马六汽缸双门自动波车。It's a 1992 Mustang V6, two-door automatic.

他曾经在P-51“野马”战斗机上表演过这个动作。He used to perform this maneuver in a P-51 Mustang.

野马车在美因公路上加速驶过时,他大笑起来,拍起手掌。He laughed and applauded as the Mustang accelerated down Main.

福特刺激了整个“小马车”时代,并引起了大量的模仿。Mustang inspired the term pony car and prompted many imitators.

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福特野马是基于福特猎鹰系列小型车而生产的。The Ford Mustang was originally based on the Ford Falcon compact.

我认为他们并没有仔细考虑这个词的词源。I don't suppose they spent much time looking into the etymology of mustang.

1964年福特汽车公司推出了一款名为野马的汽车。In 1964 the Ford motor company came out with a car they called the mustang.

我至今任不相信他们其中一家店在销售血红色的野马型车。I still can't get over the fact that one of them was selling a blood-red Mustang.

这种车一下子就成了畅销货,可以同猎鹰和野马并驾齐驱。This made the car a great success and put in the category of the Falcon and the Mustang.

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探险队成员所拿着的人头骨是在尼泊尔偏远的姆斯唐洞窟中发现的。An expedition team member holds a human skull found in the remote Mustang caves of Nepal.

经过一系列的更新换代,野马一直到今天还可以在市场上找到。After a number of different generations and redesigns, the Mustang remains available today.

能不能借点儿钱给我买新房子和野马敞篷车?Can I borrow some money so we can move into an apartment and buy a new Mustang convertible?

警察在距离贝克市以北六英里处将他黑色2000福特野马车拦下。Troopers stopped Abarca in his black 2000 Ford Mustang about six miles north of Baker City.

经过一系列的更新换代,野马一直到今天还可以在市场上找到。After a number of different generations and redesigns , the Mustang remains available today.

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手表的功能不断野马,因为手表是高品质的材料制成。Mustang watches are featured constantly because the watches are made of high-quality materials.

餐厅打徉后,我们决定到街尾一家叫做“野马莎莉之家”的乡村酒吧逛逛。When the restaurant closed, we decided to go to Mustang Sally's, a country bar just down the road.

我好喜欢“野马莎莉之家”,以前念大学时老往那里跑,真的很好玩。I love Mustang Sally's. I used to go there all the time when I was in college. It's such a fun bar.