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拉普兰,北极圈。Lapland, the Arctic Circle.

北极海冰近况与分析.Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis.

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这是北极圈的裂冰季节。It is calving season in the Arctic.

从北冰洋松树似的岬角。Or piny promontory of the Arctic main.

那一片清辉的大海便是北冰洋。That shining sea was the Arctic Ocean.

北极湾,巴芬岛,加拿大,1996。Arctic Bay, Baffin Island, Canada, 1996

那风比北极的烈风千倍狂暴。By the tenfold blasts of the Arctic zone.

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北极圈冰层因著全球暖化正在融化中。Global warming is melting the Arctic ice-cap.

看起来像是只羽毛磨损且正换羽中的极北柳莺。Looks like a worn and moulting Arctic Warbler.

IVAO分部欢迎你来到北极圈!IVAO Finland welcomes you to the Arctic Circle!

北极处于气候变化的震中。The Arctic is at the epicentre of climate change.

春天来临时它们振翅飞向北极的故土。When spring comes, they take wing for the Arctic.

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于是,你是一只狐,一只让人不屑的白狐。So, you are a fox, a people disdain of Arctic fox.

宝箱藏在北极的某个地方。The treasure box is hidden somewhere in the arctic.

位于北极圈和北回归线之间。between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer.

基于地表的北极气温放大现象的出现.The emergence of surface-based Arctic amplification.

1975年在北极圈,欲尝试海洋冒险的查尔斯全副武装。On an adventurous visit to the Arctic Circle in 1975.

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为什么石油总是出现在沙漠与北极极区?Why is oil usually found in deserts and arctic areas?

到2080年,北极夏季海冰可能将不复存在。By 2080, there may be no Arctic summer sea ice at all.

仿佛白狐纯爱,注定独一无二。As the arctic fox true love, it is destined to be unique.