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被告恳求宽大处理。The accused craved for leniency.

如果罪犯认罪,法官答应从宽发落。The judge promised leniency if the offender confessed.

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宽大政策与镇压政策的运用。Application of the Policies of Leniency and Suppression.

这名警察叫刘力男,他由于自首而被宽大处理。That officer, Liu Linan, was given leniency after turning himself in.

宽大政策与镇压政策的运用,应求恰当。The policies of leniency and suppression should be applied correctly.

父亲道格拉斯致函法官恳求宽大处理。His father, Michael Douglas, wrote a letter to the judge asking for leniency.

对任何腐败分子都必须彻底查处、严惩不贷。All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and punished without leniency.

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因为之前峰回谷一役,他并没有手下留情。Because the before Feng returns to one service in the valley, he don't show leniency.

辩护律师说法官已然从宽处理,因为扎伊迪的岁数,并且也没有什么前科。Defence lawyers said the judge showed leniency because of Zaidi's age and clean record.

辩护律师称,考虑到扎伊迪的年龄且没有前科,法官已经宽大处理。Defense lawyers said the judge showed leniency because of al-Zeidi's age and clean record.

据说在16世纪早期这种对放荡教士的宽宏大量是司空见惯的事。Such leniency for debauching clerics was said to be commonplace in the early 16th century.

速战速绝,没必要对那种妖妇手下留情。Soon campaign soon peerless, have no necessity to that kind of the cursed woman show leniency.

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初犯会从宽处理,而惯犯会受到严厉的惩罚。First time offenders can expect leniency whereas repeat offenders can expect severe punishment.

受害者团体对法庭的无罪判决和宽大处理表示愤慨。Victims' groups were furious at the acquittals and perceived leniency of some of the sentences.

沉默权与“坦白从轻”在未来的刑事诉讼中将会并行不悖。Right to muteness and "leniency to those who confess their crimes" will not be mutually exclusive.

宽严相济刑事政策是我们党和国家在新时期提出的一项基本刑事政策。The criminal policy of strict with leniency is a fundamental criminal policy in the new age in china.

尼日利亚总统奥巴桑乔曾敦请新加坡总理李显龙从宽处理。Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo had urged Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to show leniency.

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可能鲍勃和我觉得宽恕斯玛奇在某种程度上可理解为补偿克丽斯塔所受的痛苦。Perhaps Bob and I felt that leniency toward Smudge somehow translated into paying Krista back for some of her pain.

如果没有那次镇压,今天我们采取宽大政策,老百姓就不可能赞成。Had it not been for that campaign of suppression , the people would not have approved our present policy of leniency.

他们不明白的是,我在工作场所以外所表现出来的仁慈,和我在工作中的宽容是完全不相干的。They don't understand that the compassion I show outside of the workplace is completely unrelated to my leniency at work.