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我找到了这个皮夹子。I found this wallet.

我的皮夹子扣不上。My wallet won't button.

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他们取回了他的钱包。They got back his wallet.

艾普,你的钱包在哪?Epps, where’s your wallet?

我把钱包落在家里了。And I left my wallet at home.

我钥裎桌里发现了一个钱苞。I found a wallet in the desk.

有人偷了我的钱夹子。Someone ripped off my wallet.

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我认得这个红色的边,他钱包总是丢来丢去。He's always losing that wallet.

我的皮夹被人扒了等。Someone pickpocketed my wallet.

我的皮夹被人偷了。Someone pick-pocketed my wallet.

那个人抢走了我的钱包。That man robbed me of my wallet.

逛橱窗,别带钱包。Window-shop without your wallet.

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一个双折钱包皮革。A bi-fold wallet made of leather.

库马思掏他的钱包。Kugelmass reached for his wallet.

请你找一下一个红布旅行袋好吗?Will you find a red cloth wallet?

他把钱包塞进一个口袋里。He tucked his wallet into a pocket.

这位好心的先生拣到了一个钱包。This kind gentleman found a wallet.

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首先,我皮夹子不知放到哪儿了。First of all, I misplaced my wallet.

正是马丽捡到了我的钱包。It was Mary who picked up my wallet.

我找到这个钱包纯属偶然。I found the wallet quite by accident.