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这也是一个不能解决的领域。This is again, one of that irresolvable areas.

美国的一些文化战争已经根深蒂固、不可分解,并向外扩张着。Some of the cultural wars in this country are deep-rooted, eternal and irresolvable. Gun control.

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在导致移民的无法解决的问题中,既有物质方面的,也有情感方面的。Among the irresolvable problems that spark emigration, there are material ones, and emotional ones.

分离主义女权主义者是极端的女权主义者,他们认为男女之间性的差别是无法解决的问题。Separatist feminists are extreme feminists who think that the sexual disparities between men and women are irresolvable.

爱因斯坦的相对论多处出现无法解决的悖论,包括质量随速度而升高的式子更是如此。Einstein's theory of relativity with widespread irresolvable paradox, including the quality rises with the speed equation.

有些时候,特性团队所要求的改动,可能与使用平台的其他产品产生无法解决的冲突。Certain change requests coming from the feature teams can sometimes create irresolvable conflicts with other products that use the platform.

但是他说,他发现有“无法解决的冲突”的问题,包括议员奥巴马的经济刺激方案和国家的人口普查。But he said he had found there were "irresolvable conflicts" on issues including Mr Obama's economic stimulus package and the country's census.

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从各方面看,俄中两国关系中不存在任何不能解决的问题和障碍,所需要的就是更好、更快地开展友好合作。There are no irresolvable issues or obstacles in Russia-China relations. What we need is the better and faster development of friendly cooperation.

每个人读书时都是几个字几个字地读。美国的一些文化战争已经根深蒂固、不可分解,并向外扩张着。枪支控制、堕胎、贾斯汀比伯都属于文化战争。Everybody reads with a lens. Some of the cultural wars in this country are deep-rooted, eternal and irresolvable. Gun control. Abortion. Justin Bieber.

现实表明,病态的精神生活和无法排解的心理障碍一直是影响人们生活质量的重要因素之一。The real life shows that morbid spiritual life and irresolvable mental barriers is always one of the important factors which affect people's quality of life.

在声明中,格雷格表示,已经非常明显,他的任命不可行,因为双方在政治观念方面有冲突。In a statement, Judd Gregg said it had become apparent during the vetting process that his appointment would not work because, as he said, there were irresolvable conflicts on policy.