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你看起来情绪低落。You look low spirited spirit.

他被鼓动得与他的老板作对。He was spirited up against his boss.

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他的伞已被偷走了。His umbrella has been spirited away.

我用一杯咖啡让他清醒起来。I spirited him with a cup of coffee.

我们需要那种有冲劲的创新。We need that kind of spirited innovation.

她被绑架到了一个港口的仓库。She was spirited away to a harbour storage.

其精神所在亦于公众。It is publicly directed. It is public spirited.

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小派说这样的阵容让人精神振奋。Pettitte said the promise of that staff was spirited.

这个生气勃勃少年组织很有团队精神。The spirited young organization has more team spirit.

生气勃勃却不太诚实的移民。the spirited but less-than-completely-honest immigrants.

他们进行了热烈的讨论,把问题都摆出来了。They carried on spirited debates and laid bare the issues.

她们凑在一起对那伙人发表了一通痛快淋漓的批评。They all joined in a very spirited critique upon the party.

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他也与同事进行过许多活跃的争辩。He also engaged in plenty of spirited debates with colleagues.

这就像拳击手大战前要吐出的那口暴戾之气一样。It's spirited stuff, like a boxer mouthing off before a big fight.

嗯,有冲劲的领导力和创新,我们再转向匹特奥赛格。Well, spirited leadership and innovation, we turn to Peter Orszag.

我们如何开始,驯化意志型的?How can we begin Glaucon? the domestication of the spirited Glaucon?

我们如何开始,驯化意志型的?How can we begin Glaucon? the domestication of the spirited Glaucon?

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我们期待一场白热化的搏杀,但是,我们并没如愿以偿。We all wanted a heated, spirited game, and we didn't really get one.

如果你还没有看到,我个人最喜欢的是“千与千寻”。And if you haven't seen them my personal favorite is "Spirited Away".

屋子再次爆发出喊叫声,而这次是鼓舞人心的“蒙克斯!Once more the room erupted, this time with spirited cries of “Mengsk!