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我们都尝过爱的滋味。We've all experienced love.

怪不得他这么内行。No wonder he is so experienced.

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他以前经历过地面微震。He had experienced tremors before.

你们也许也经历过You've probably experienced this too.

但他们中的多数人缺乏工作经验。But many of them are not so experienced.

他们都很年轻,却又经历了那么多。They were both young but so experienced.

他是一位身经百战的宿将。He was a much experienced veteran general.

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他们富有经验和责任心。They are very experienced and responsible.

老虎吾兹是高尔夫球界的斫轮老手。Tiger Woods is an experienced golf master.

我们应该向有经验的教师学习。We should learn from experienced teachers.

降低你体验到的压力水平It reduces the level of stress experienced.

汤姆•博伊尔曾经是一名经验丰富的举重运动员。Tom Boyle was an experienced weight lifter.

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您只是经历了一次表单覆盖。You have just experienced a form overwrite.

即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。Evem experienced teachers can make mistakes.

杰克逊一家阅历了生死考验。Jackson has experienced a death in the face.

杨老师是一名经验丰富的英文老师。Miss Yang is an experienced English teacher.

是否有过呼吸急促的表现?Have you experienced any shortness of breath?

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他办事很老练。He is experienced and works with a sure hand.

你在平时的生活中都曾有过体会Now you've experienced this in your own life.

其他人还有什么令人惊讶的经历吗Other surprises people experienced with this?