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还有一些中厅的座位。I still have a few seats in the mezzanine.

在中层楼,你可以坐那里的电梯。It's on the mezzanine. You can take the elevator over there.

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夹层锅又名蒸汽锅、蒸煮锅、夹层蒸汽锅。Sandwich pot and steam pan, cooking pot name, mezzanine steam pan.

在我的公房租赁凭证上,注记有个阁楼。In my public houses by lease documents, note that a mezzanine floor.

书包与私人物件可被寄放在阁楼的‘斗篷室’。Bags and personal items may be left at the Cloakroom at Mezzanine level.

管理处被提升至服务台上方的夹层的一个房间中去。The management office is lifted to a mezzanine above the service counter.

楼层结构由框架柱、楼层梁、钢楼承板以及边模板等组成。Mezzanine structure is make up of steel column, floor beam, meal deck, etc.

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那里也将有一个多媒体观众厅,一个带包厢的酒吧和一个餐馆。There will also be a multimedia auditorium and a mezzanine bar and restaurant.

能告诉我喷水体系的管子是在地下室还是在夹层楼面吗?。Are the pipes of the sprinkler system in the basement or on the mezzanine floor?

两间树屋离开地面有八米之高,每间屋里有舒适的房间和由鹿角做围篱的阳台。Each has a snug mezzanine area and an antler-fenced balcony about eight metres above ground.

卡尔弗特提供股份和夹层资本投资。We focuses on providing value-added equity and mezzanine capital to lower middle market companies.

在现时的地铁美孚站上面隔音罩范围内建造新的夹层楼面。Construction of a new mezzanine level above the existing MTRC Mei Foo Station inside a noise enclosure.

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在一场暴风雨来临的时候,安哲罗失足跌进了一间阁楼里,他浑身湿透,狼狈不堪。In a heavy rainstorms when Anzheluo falls fall into one of the mezzanine floor, his every soaked, routed.

夹层使世界空间多了一个层面,简易旋转使办公节奏更有了一曲旋律!Mezzanine makes the world space much a plane, simple spin to get more have a office rhythm curved melody!

我们将只建造步行楼梯,取得消防安全证书后,延长的阁楼。We will only construct the staircase walk up the extended mezzanine floor after obtaining fire safety cert.

建筑的坡屋顶使得二层层高变高,多出一个夹层空间。The rooms on the second floor have a mezzanine benefitting from the extra height formed by the pitched roofs.

经开包仔细查看,安检员在箱包的底部夹层里发现了8枚子弹。Through open to wrap careful look into, Anne the check member discovered 8 bullets in a bottom mezzanine for wrap.

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或者你得去购物中心往时装走秀的模特身上扔草莓布丁。Or you have to attend the fashion show at the shopping center atrium and throw strawberry gelatin from the mezzanine.

从夹层的行政办公室、画廊,都可以看到展览空间的全貌。From the mezzanine floor, the administrative offices, and that of the gallerist, have a full view of the gallery space.

楼下提供私人休息室和晚餐摊位,地下室夹层提供露天餐饮。The downstairs offers private lounges and dinner booths with the basement mezzanine giving an option of alfresco dining.