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消费者并非低能儿。The consumer is not a moron.

这是个消费者播客公司。It was a consumer podcasting company.

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一个或者多个服务的使用者。The consumer of one or more services.

每个消费者选择哪家公司呢Which firm does each consumer choose?

消费者为何会信任这些推销员?Why can consumer trust these bagman ?

XpanD的3D眼镜将于下周在德国柏林国际电子消费品展览会正式首次亮相。IFA consumer electronics fair next week.

这在很大程度上依赖于消费者。So much of that depends on the consumer.

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这类广告采用奉承顾客的方法。This kind of claim flatters the consumer.

许多消费品都是尼龙作的。A lot of consumer goods are made of nylon.

消费者的网站上无广告。Consumer websites carry no advertisements.

那只会成为消费者完成目的的障碍。It just gets in the way of consumer goals.

美国市场还在一个很深很深的大坑里。The U.S. consumer is in a deep, deep hole.

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中国的消费支出前景不甚明朗。The picture for consumer spending is mixed.

我们来看一下在Y点的消费者Well let's look at the consumer at point Y.

网簿是一类热销的消费品。Netbooks are a hot-selling consumer product.

战后消费者借贷节节上升。Consumer lending had pyramided since the war.

积极扩大居民消费需求。We will energetically expand consumer demand.

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但我们的目标消费者却在这些商店。But our target consumer shops in those stores.

2011年消费价格可能是一个外卡。Consumer prices could be a wild card for 2011.

这两者都能够被消费者以任何顺序被使用。Either can be used by a consumer in any order.