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有的单桅帆船也可能会多加一面竞速或航行用的三角帆。A sloop may also use a racing or cruising spinnaker.

这是另一个使用百慕大帆的单桅帆船的例子。Here’s another example of a sloop with a Bermuda rig.

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单桅帆基本算得上是帆船中最常见的结构了。A sloop is generally the most common type of sailboat rig.

单桅帆船有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆船。A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit.

不如单桅帆船快或者贴近风向Ketch rigs generally do not sail as fast or as close to the wind as a sloop

他们的船,停泊在远处,是一艘小型的饱经风雨的英国单桅纵帆船。Their ship, a small, storm-weathered British sloop was anchored in the distance.

爱德华英格兰的职业生涯的开始,而海盗他正致力于研究一种单桅纵帆船作为第一个伴侣。Edward England's career as a pirate began while he was working on a sloop as a first mate.

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加内的单桅帆船HMS的保护英国的贸易路线,并在19世纪的反奴隶制巡逻。The sloop HMS Gannet protected British trade routes and did anti-slavery patrol in the 19th century.

扎克•桑德兰在当地时间早上大约10点钟驾着他的36英尺长的“勇猛”号的单桅纵帆船到达了玛琳娜得瑞港。Zac Sunderland arrived in Marina Del Rey aboard his 36-foot sloop Intrepid at about 10am local time.

单桅帆通常也公认速度更快,因此在竞速帆船中被压倒性地普遍应用。The sloop rig is also considered faster and is therefore used almost exclusively in racing sailboats.

总而言之,一艘双桅帆的总体帆面面积和一艘同样尺寸的单桅帆差不多。In all, a ketch carries about the same total square footage of sail area as a sloop of the equivalent size.

正常情况下,单桅纵帆船应当利用他们机动灵活的特点快速的从敌人大型船只附近逃脱。In a thight situation, a sloop should try to outrun its enemy, using the ability to outmanoeuvre large vessels.

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由于自由号船长和船员公然违反法律,海关官员最终还是占领了这艘船。Because of the Liberty captain and crew's blatant disregard for the law, the sloop was boarded by customs officials.

然而,尽管它使用三面帆,却并不意味着它的帆面积比同等尺寸的单桅帆更大。The fact of three sails does not necessarily mean that the sail area is larger than on a sloop of the same size, however.

当天晚上9点左右,自由号的船长和船员——他们和约翰·汉考克一样反对给英国纳税——把这位海关监察员软禁在船上。At around 9 pm, the captain and crew of the Liberty, who were as opposed to paying British taxes as John Hancock, imprisoned the tidewaiter on the sloop.

双桅帆的主要优势在于每一面帆都比同尺寸的单桅帆船上的相应帆尺寸要小一些,使得航行操纵也容易一些。The primary advantages of a ketch are that each of the sails is usually somewhat smaller than on a sloop of equivalent size, making sail handling easier.

由于涉及的风力和帆面的动态原理,一艘单桅帆船基本上总是相近尺寸的帆船中最快的,尤其是逆风行驶时。Because of the wind and sail dynamics involved, a sloop is almost always faster than other rigs in boats of comparable size, especially when sailing to windward.

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例如,当风速在某个强度上时,单桅帆可能必须将主帆四叠起来以减少帆面积,而双桅帆则可以只用前帆和后帆来顺利航行。For example, with the wind at an intensity that a sloop might have to double-reef the main to reduce sail area, a ketch may sail very well under just jib and mizzen.

“太阳帆船”这一称呼其实并不恰当,因为杜库伯爵的星际小帆船利用的是一种至今仍不清楚类型的能量推进力,它远比恒星辐射更奇特。The term solar sail is a misnomer, since Count Dooku's interstellar sloop uses an as-yet unknown brand of energetic propulsion far more exotic than stellar radiation.

因此在决定选择单桅帆船还是双桅帆船时,决定因素并非帆面积,而是将这个帆面积分布在两面帆或是三面帆上带来的相应差异。So it's not the sail area that matters when deciding between a sloop and a ketch, but differences resulting from having that area spread over three rather than two sails.