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瓦齐里斯坦真的是西方的威胁吗?Can Waziristan really be a threat to the West?

有人会不喜欢失去对北瓦济里斯坦南瓦济里斯坦。One would not like to lose South Waziristan for North Waziristan.

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对北瓦齐里斯坦的袭击还击中了附近的一所房屋。The strike in the North Waziristan region also hit a house nearby.

他是周五晚上在南瓦齐斯坦的袭击中被击毙的9名好战分子之一。He was one of nine militants killed on Friday night in South Waziristan.

今年,已经有超过100家在北瓦济里斯坦罢工孤单。This year, there have been over 100 such strikes in North Waziristan alone.

阿富汗武装分子的资深战士贾拉鲁丁.哈卡尼以北瓦基里斯坦为根据地。The veteran Afghan militant Jalaluddin Haqqani is based in North Waziristan.

紧张的战斗使当地居民几乎不可能逃离瓦齐里斯坦南部。The fighting has made it almost impossible for locals to flee South Waziristan.

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穆沙拉夫派兵进入斯瓦特地区,并对马哈苏德的藏身之处进行了轰炸。Mr Musharraf sent the army into Swat and bombed Mr Mehsud’s hideouts in Waziristan.

官员们表示,两枚炸弹击中了北瓦齐里斯坦伊斯兰好战分子使用的一座房屋。Officials said two missiles hit a house used by Islamic militants in North Waziristan.

据闻他说故自己在巴基斯坦的瓦齐里斯坦接受过制作炸弹的训练。He reportedly said he received bomb-making training in the Waziristan area of Pakistan.

前巴基斯坦驻阿富汗大使瓦齐尔来自瓦济里斯坦地区。Former Pakistani ambassador to Afghanistan, Ayaz Wazir, belongs to the Waziristan region.

在巴基斯坦的南瓦齐里斯坦有三十位安全人员获释。Thirty security personnel are released safely in the South Waziristan region of Pakistan.

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哈吉穆拉.马苏德随后成为了该团伙的领袖,并转移到了南瓦基里斯坦地区。Hakimullah Mehsud has since assumed leadership of the group and has moved to South Waziristan.

北瓦基里斯坦也是另一个阿富汗资深武装分子的根据地,他就是贾拉鲁丁.哈卡尼。North Waziristan is also the home base of another veteran Afghan militant, Jalaluddin Haqqani.

铬铁矿主要产在穆斯林巴格、若布、瓦齐里斯坦、达加等蛇绿岩体内。The Chromite mainly produces in the ophiolites in Muslimbagh, Zhob, Waziristan , Dagh and etc.

袭击发生在瓦纳,这是南瓦济里斯坦部落地区的行政中心。The attack took place in Wana, the administrative center of the South Waziristan tribal region.

导弹袭击的目标是一座房屋中的好战分子和北瓦齐里斯坦一个村庄中的车辆。Missiles targeted suspected militants in a house and a vehicle in a village in North Waziristan.

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北瓦济里斯坦地区被认为是巴基斯坦塔利班武装的重要据点。North Waziristan is considered a major Taliban stronghold in Pakistan. The past two years the U.

巴基斯坦分析家阿齐兹说,北瓦济里斯坦协议的终止并不突然。Pakistani analyst Khalid Aziz says the breakdown of the North Waziristan deal is not surprising.

作为报复,马哈苏德的部下占领了一座小镇,并切断了通往瓦齐里斯坦的道路。Mr Mehsud’s followers retaliated by seizing a small town, and cutting off the road to Waziristan.