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好,几何学是怎么说的来着?The length of a line segment?

第三章,房地产市场的萧条。Segment three the Housing bust.

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这就是今天这一节我要谈论的话题。That's the topic of my TODAY segment

而无声段无显著差异。But no difference in silence segment.

点阵式LCD段驱动器40点。Dot matrix LCD 40 dot segment driver.

接下来我要计算第二段。Next I need to do the second segment.

节肢动物中一类包括水黾。A segment of the limb of an arthropod.

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这一部分的设计质量是三百八十零克。The segment design mass was 380 grams.

下一段更有趣。The next segment gets more interesting.

这个段是每个进程专用的。This segment is unique to each process.

这段视频共有269个句子。There are 269 sentences in this segment.

蒜苗洗净,切成3厘米长的段。Wash garlic, cut into 3 cm long segment.

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你如何才能知道如何细分访问者呢?How do you know whether to segment visitors?

菌丝细胞一般呈长形竹节状。Hypha cell is long type like bamboo segment.

果真如此的话,会在哪个环境及部门扩张?If so, then in which environment and segment?

灰色部分显示我们的市场占有额。The gray segment represents our market share.

用这些线段来做什么呢?I might want to get the length of the segment.

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第一次的14分钟节目在星期五播出。The first 14-minute segment aired on a Friday.

该第二段还具有一对锁扣。The second segment also has a pair of catches.

在任何区域的客户部分是异质。In any region customer segment is heterogenous.