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他是反战争的先锋人物。And he is an antiwar pioneer.

这个演讲的主要内容是反战的。The sum and substance of the speech was antiwar.

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贾斯廷莱曼多,作者,反战网站的社论编辑。Justin Raimondo author and editorial director of Antiwar. com.

甚至还没等白宫发出公告,奥巴马的增兵决定就遭到了反战组织的批评。Antiwar groups criticized Mr. Obama’s decision even before the White House announced it.

总统是否为反战运动者提供了可能用来反对这场冲突的口号?Had the president handed antiwar activists a slogan they could use to oppose the conflict?

切尼访问悉尼时遭到反战示威者的抗议,示威者和警官发生冲突。Antiwar protests have marked Cheney's visit to Sydney, with demonstrators scuffling with police officers.

反对战争的抗议者们在尤金•麦卡锡和波比•肯尼迪的身上看到了希望,但终因肯尼迪遇刺而破灭。The antiwar protestors saw hope in Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy, but hope was stopped when Kennedy was killed.

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还明确写了“戒边功”的反战诗,他的反战诗文是中国反战文学史上的双璧。He also wrote Jie Bian Gong clearly, His antiwar poetry and articles are notable in Chinese history of antiwar literature.

和平主义运动是第一次世界大战后兴起的反战运动,其主导思想是反对一切战争,维护和平。Pacifistic movement was an antiwar movement after the first world war and its dominant ideas were to fight against wars and defend peace.

第一次世界大战如火如荼的时候,他冒着激怒德国皇帝的危险签署了一份反战请愿书,当时只有四个德国科学家在这份请愿书上签了名。At the height of World War I, he risked the Kaiser's wrath by signing an antiwar petition, one of only four scientists in Germany to do so.

然而,除了一些象征性的反战建议,没有哪位政治人物提议现在就真正为这些军事行动的成本买单。Yet other than some symbolic antiwar suggestions, no political figures have proposed actually paying the cost of these military actions today.

他创作了一些反战歌曲,反映了那些担心被征召遣送到不得人心又不断升级的越南战争去的美国年轻人的感想。He penned antiwar songs which mirrored the sentiments of young Americans who feared being drafted and sent to the unpopular and escalating war in Vietnam.

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1967年,韦伯在参加反战运动后,在衣阿华州立大学开始投身于这一运动——在那个年代,玩橄榄球曾经是反主流社会的宣言。Weber took up the game at Iowa State University, in 1967, after becoming involved in the antiwar movement—in those days, rugby was a countercultural statement.

此外,冯尼古特在书中暴露了美国当时的种种现状和问题,探讨了死亡、重生、宗教和人性等多重主题。Apart from the antiwar theme, the novel also exposes the present American social problems and discusses many other issues like death, regeneration, religion and humanity, etc.

该片的之前一个版本于1969年7月3日在无线电城音乐厅上映,就在同一天,反战示威者在毗邻洛克菲勒中心煽动混战,并关停了第五大道。The original film opened at Radio City Music Hall on July 3, 1969, the same day that antiwar protestors incited a melee at the adjoining Rockefeller Center, shutting down Fifth Avenue.

上星期,一群反战游行示威者在圣保罗Xcel中心外围困了几个正要进入会议厅的人,他们表情僵硬,穿着商务套装。Last week, in St. Paul, a band of antiwar protesters outside the Xcel Center confronted a group of stiff-looking guys in business suits as they tried to make their way into the Convention.

那年冬天,他被底特律大学的哲学硕士系录取,在那他加入了反战组织“民主社会的学生”并且对康德主义理论学产生兴趣。That fall he enrolled in a philosophy master's program at the University of Detroit, where he joined the antiwar group Students for a Democratic Society and fell in love with Kantian ethics.