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次序倒了。The order is reversed.

这种情势必须得到扭转。This situation must be reversed.

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汽车倒车撞到一根电线杆子上。The car reversed into a lamp-post.

后代把这个案子翻了过来。The posterity reversed the verdict.

禁止FAK颠倒这个作用。Inhibiting FAK reversed the effects.

他倒车时撞上了路灯杆子。He reversed his car into a lamp-post.

她把汽车倒开进车库。She reversed her car into the garage.

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法院最近撤销了这项裁决。The court recently reversed that ruling.

和解的潮流不可逆转。The trend of détente cannot be reversed.

她把车倒进停车位。She reversed the car into the parking space.

因为对水和硅情况反过来了。Because for water and silicon this is reversed.

他的白色汽车通过校门倒退进去。His white car reversed through the school gate.

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在负片拷贝中,色调值是反转的。In a negative copy the tonal values are reversed.

即使隔着倒错的时空。Even when seperated by a time and space, reversed.

你一定会觉得一切又颠倒重演了。You must have felt like all of it had been reversed.

埃米莉亚自己缝衣服,并把所有旧衣服都翻新。Emilia, herself, sewed and reversed all their dresses.

另外,左撇子的眼动模式可能是相反的情况。The eye patterns of left-handed people may be reversed.

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嘴巴已经紧蹙地反过来,但还使紧闭着。The mouth is reversed into a frown but is still closed.

政府在战后彻底改变了它的外交政策。After the war the government reversed its foreign policy.

不过Numote也强调所有的编辑操作都是可以撤销的。Alhough Numote emphasized that all edits can be reversed.