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完成选择史凯利杰统治者的支线剧情。Complete the subplot about choosing Skellige's ruler.

但是这里有一个我们不能忽视的政治陪衬情节。But there is a political subplot here that we simply can't ignore.

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对于故事的主线的发展就是次要的了。So that Ron subplot was secondary to the central drive of the story.

后来他想出了故事的错误指责弟弟,并共谋在本。He later came up with the story of the wrongfully accused brother, and the conspiracy subplot.

并且在苏联最终解体中也发挥了余热。And it would serve as a subplot in the eventual unraveling and dissolution of the Soviet Union.

这条附线是为了使观众明白哲洙和秀珍对彼此的重要性。This subplot tried to convince the audience the importance of Chul Soo and Su Jin to each other.

她还是安娜的律师的前女友。书中也略微提及他们的关系。She is also the ex-girlfriend of Campbell Alexander and there is a subplot concerning their relationship.

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在删除的材料中是在格林和花的性格和一个次要情节与她的儿子有关之间的更多爱情故事。Amongst the stuff edited out is more of the love story between Green and Bloom's character, and a subplot involving her son.

这就是国民党主席连战在星期六晚上必须面对成千上万群众并承认败选时的另一腹案。THIS WAS THE SUBPLOT when KMT Chairman Lien Chan had to face a crowd of thousands on Saturday evening to admit that he had lost the election.

该剧次要情节包括丹麦与邻国挪威长期的宿怨以及挪威王子福丁布拉斯入侵丹麦的威胁。A minor subplot involves Denmark's long-standing feud with neighbouringNorway, and the threat of invasion led by the Norwegian prince Fortinbras.

从MATLAB环境下子图的绘制这一实验教学环节中,融合知识获取方法,谈谈如何促进学生探索思维。Starting with a experimental item of subplot drawing and aiming at knowledge-gained methods, this paper discusses how to promote the students' exploring thinking.

尽管改革使中国获得了巨大成功,但在改革进程的每个关键环节,中国都曾面临脱离改革轨道的风险,这其中的故事就不那么广为人知了。What is less known is the subplot of how, at every point of transition, China's direction could have swayed sharply away from the reforms that eventually yielded it enormous success.

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它的情节相对来说比较复杂,既有郎才女貌的爱情故事,也有伊丽莎白时期典型的复仇故事。It has relatively complicated plots, the main plot about the romance between a young gentleman and a pretty lady, the subplot about the traditional revenge story of Elizabethan times.

在剧本和故事版中本来有一段凯恩发现苏珊有婚外情的戏的,但是后来这段被删了。One subplot discarded from the final film concerned Susan Alexander Kane having an affair that Mr. Kane discovers. There were scenes written and story boards designed for this sequence.