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网上交易,也减少了繁琐和复杂的交易。Online trading also reduces the tediousness and complexity involved in trading.

钟摇摆着一分分的过去好像在嘲弄她乏味的一天。The clock dragged away the minutes teasing her with the tediousness of the day.

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我们家是个地狱,而你,一个快乐鬼,确实令它的沉闷减轻了不少。Our house is hell, and you, a merry devil, did rob it of some taste of tediousness.

简洁是智慧的灵魂,冗长是肤浅的藻饰。---莎士比亚。Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief.

在彻夜无眠沉闷中,给自己找一条生存的小径,仅此而已!Give in all night have no the sleep the tediousness oneself seek a footpath for exist, only this and no more just!

对于其他一些人来说,懒散还有另一种表现形式。时光纵然白白流逝,而他们并没有因为许多小时没有做什么而感到无聊乏味。There are others to whom Idleness dictates another espedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours.

对于其他一些人来说,懒散还有另一种表现形式,时光纵然白白流逝,而他们并没有因为许多小时没有做什麽而感到无聊乏味。There are others to whom Idleness dictates another expedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours.

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它吸收了用启发式方法和动态规划法解决这类问题的优点,克服了用上述方法重复繁琐之处。It absorbs the strong points of the heuristic method and dynamic programming method in solving such problems, and overcomes the tediousness of the above methods.

以球队在空中停留这麽长的时间,现代科技在减少早年球员在旅行时所需经历的枯燥乏味,扮演了重要的角色。With teams spending so much time in the air, technology has played a large role in eradicating some of the tediousness that early baseball travelers experienced.

在工作当中都有等级、只不过最深深得愉快无聊的缓和,按照工作人员的业务与能力的性质。There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tediousness up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker.

为了和无聊之极的日常体验拉开距离,她有意把细节放大,试图提升一种智慧美丽、果敢坚定的自我象征。To stay separate from the tediousness of daily experiences, she purposely magnifies the details, attempting to elevate a self-image that is wise and beautiful, resolute and determined.

它通常设计为程序,让人类从枯燥的删除垃圾邮件类似的事情中解放出来,或随着科技进步,演变为能够模拟人工操作,完成客服的咨询问题。It can be as basic as a program that spares us from the tediousness of deleting spam from our email, or as evolved as one that simulates human interaction to answer customer service questions.