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回响现在也作用于风之剪切。Reverberation now affects Wind Shear.

因此反射和弹跳出现了。Thus ricochet and reverberation enter in.

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坚硬的表面可产生不必要的混响。Hard surfaces can cause unwanted reverberation.

贾森听到了门砰然关上的回响。Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door.

水中混响的混沌属性分析。Chaos characteristic analysis of underwater reverberation.

因此需要选择一个最佳混响时间。Therefore need to select one of the best reverberation time.

弯曲的空间降低了自然混响。The area is curved, which reduces sound reverberation naturally.

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混响时间是评价声室的基本参量。The reverberation time is the most basic comment of the tone chamber.

首先你听到的是直达声音,然后你就听到了被延迟的混响声音了。First you hear the direct sound, then you hear the room reverberation.

它的作用就是个阻止这些长弦音的过度回响。Its role is to stop the excessive reverberation of these longer strings.

这些细胞作用是学习和记忆。It’s the cells’ reverberation that corresponds with learning and memory.

对应得到的混响时间称为有效混响时间。The expected reverberation time is called the effective reverberation time.

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其中,在模拟海洋混响时采用了性能较好的椭圆滤波器。Especially, the elliptic digital filter is used for simulating reverberation.

混响作为水声学中的基本物理现象之一,它的研究由来已久。Reverberation is one of the basic physical phenomena in under-water acoustic.

所得结论为混波室搅拌器的设计提供了依据。Design guidelines are provided for the design of stirrer of reverberation chamber.

最后分析了收发分置海洋混响平均强度的衰减规律。At last, the average intensity of reverberation for bistatic case had been deduced.

满员时混响时间很可能略小于1.6秒。The reverberation time was probably slightly less than 1.6 seconds when fully occupied.

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讨论了海洋混响的基本理论和混响的射线-简正波模型。The ocean reverberation theory and the ray-normal mode reverberation model are discussed.

优先需要考虑的就是降低背景噪音和环境的混响。Minimizing background noise and reverberation should be a priority. Here are some suggestions

赛宾的“混响时间”公式,奠定了建筑声学的基础。The formula of reverberation time by W. C. Sabine is a foundation of architectural acoustics.