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他们的嘴里叼满了石膏。Their mouths were full of gypsum.

互相帮助,以搬运石膏。Helping each other to remove the gypsum.

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半水物硫酸钙可以用来代替石膏。Hemihydrate can be used instead of gypsum.

我们用泵将石膏料浆打到一块用堤围起来的空地中。The gypsum slurry is pumped into a diked area.

这幅素描是描绘一名老翁的石膏头像。This sketch describes an old man's gypsum head statue.

胡学兵对于石膏的纯熟运用和他的祖先如出一辙。Hu Xuebing can use gypsum as skillfully as his ancestors.

石膏与岩盐则逐渐变薄或完全被溶解掉。Gypsum and halite are simply thinned or removed altogether.

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在吸收塔系统中,配有两台石膏浆液泵。Two gypsum slurry pumps are provided for the absorber system.

用稠厚器来分离酸和石膏。Thickeners were introduced for separating the acid and gypsum.

石膏是国际上推崇使用的绿色建材。Gypsum is a green building material popular all over the world.

无水石膏和石膏用于制造硫酸。Anhydrite and gypsum are used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid.

近代巴黎是由大块的石灰岩和石膏构成的。Modern Paris sits atop massive formations of limestone and gypsum.

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剩余的煤灰和石膏粉则出售给水泥行业。The resulting coal ash and gypsum are sold to the cement industry.

采用特殊工艺制备了复合型石膏防水剂。A complex water-repellent gypsum additive was studied in this paper.

石膏会在磷矿颗粒的表面上结晶。Gypsum may crystallize on the surface of the phosphate rock particles.

分析了影响粉刷石膏保水率的相关因素和测试条件。Water-retention rate is one of important properties for stucco gypsum.

主要矿物为二次结晶石膏和少量石英。Recrystallized gypsum and a bit of quartz are main mineral composition.

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石膏粉经由分析机控制细度,用提升机输送到沸腾炉。Analytical engine will be used to control the fineness of gypsum powder.

厂长引进了一种新的石膏防水剂。The production manager introduced a new water-repellent gypsum additive.

平邑石膏矿主要分布于第三系卞桥组地层中,为陆相湖泊沉积型。As terrestrial deposits, Pingyi Gypsum mine is mainly distributed in EgB.