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她出生卑贱。She was born of humble parentage.

潘的父母是谁一直是一个有争议的问题。Pan's Parentage was a problem Of Iong argument.

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阿哈尔,特克斯注册的亲子关系仅的基础上。Akhal-Tekes are registered on the basis of parentage only.

出生于俄国的一个丹麦犹太血统的家庭。Georg Cantor was born in Russia of Danish-Jewish parentage . Georg Cantor.

乔治·坎特出生于俄国的一个丹麦犹太血统的家庭。George Cantor was born in Russia of Danish-Jewish parentage. Georg Cantor.

等级制度以人的出身决定其社会地位。The caste system is one where one's parentage determines one's place in society.

即使是现在,祖上的荫庇也对一个人的人生和工作发挥着重大的作用。Even now parentage and patronage play a significant role in one's life and career.

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这先知的出生地点,父母子女关系,和我们的生活有没有可靠的资料。Of this prophet's birth-place, parentage , and life we have no reliable information.

我希望网友能够容忍我特殊的出身,让一切尽快结束吧。I wish netizens could tolerate my particular parentage and let it go as soon as possible.

结果发现,无论是哪种人,婴儿的的大脑在大小和形态上非常类似,都是狭长型。They found that baby braincases are similar in size and shape, regardless of their parentage.

考察了断口纤维断面率的定量计算方法。The quantitative calculation method for the parentage of the fibrous fracture surface was studied.

对于他来说,异界生物如同亲属——假如关于魔法师出身的说法属实的话。They are almost relations of his, if all people say concerning the parentage of magicians be true.

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正确完成的亲子关系声明的表格复印件应附在申请后面。A copy of the properly completed acknowledgment of parentage form shall be attached to the petition.

有人寄望奥巴马混血的出身和孩童时代的游历能让他对其他文化有更多的同情。Some hope that Obama's mixed parentage and peripatetic childhood have made him more sympathetic to other cultures.

一个在印泥出生的墨西哥血统的人同样也可以墨西哥名字获得印泥国籍。A person born in Indonesia by a Mexican parentage is allowed to carry a Mexican name on his Indonesian citizenship form.

卢克和莱娅暂时向所有人隐瞒了他们之间的血缘关系,连他们最信任的朋友也没有告诉。For a time, Luke and Leia kept their true relation and their parentage a secret from all but their most trusted friends.

王子从没有怀疑过国王是他亲生父亲直到有一天他听到别人在谈论他的身事。The prince had never doubted that the king was not his real father until one day he heard others talking about his parentage.

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本研究表明微卫星分子标记可以应用于哲罗鱼的家系鉴定。This research indicated that the microsatellite DNA markers can be used for the parentage determination of Hucho taimen Pallas.

实际上我们对奥巴马父母与培养的了解,来自议员本人,需要证实。Virtually everything we do know about Obama's parentage and upbringing, it should be stipulated, comes from the Senator himself.

另外有五个孩子因其身份被相关人士隐瞒而被认定为弃婴。Five other children were deemed abandoned because the facts about their parentage were hidden by "involved persons, " People's Daily reported.