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宠坏的小羊将成了脾气坏的大羊。A pet lamb dos a cross ram.

猫一胆怯,鼠就翻天。A timid cat dos a proud mouse.

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他的悲惨历程使她深表同情。C. His sad story dos her feel pity.

他像道斯·帕索斯那样写过一部三部曲。Like Dos Passos he did write a trilogy.

爱是推动全地球的力量。It is love which dos the state go round.

做事过于苟求,反把出国疑问弄坏。He which dos a thing too fine, brokes it.

把为健康做应做的事列出清单很简单。It's easy to make a list of healthy to dos.

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对了。我可以看一些发型的图片吗?By the way, can I see some pictures of hair- dos?

咱们在什么地方开会毫无差别。It dos no difference wITe we shwhichle HAs the meeting.

如果你想减轻体重,这是一些注意事项。If you want to lose weight, here are some dos and don'ts.

你要想保持健康,这是一些注意事项。If you want to keep healthy, here are some dos and don'ts.

可以返回一个关于DOS环境变量的字符串。Returns a string associated with a DOS Environment Variable.

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假如你在13岁至24岁之间,什么能带给你愉快?So you're in with the ages of 13 and 24. What dos you happy?

这个操作系统后来就被叫做磁盘操作系统。This operating system was called Disk Operating System or DOS.

为来店和离店的客人开关汽车及出租车门。Assist arriving departing guests by opening closing car taxi dos.

在这个地区有云南省两个最大的湖泊。En esta zona se encuentran dos de los lagos más grandes de Yunnan.

它可以运行BIOS闪存和其他遗留下来DOS下的小工具。FreeDOS , which can run BIOS flash and other legacy DOS utilities.

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介绍一个DOS操作系统的菜单程序。DOS menu programmed by using Novell Netware principles is presented.

一个是海洋的捍卫者水下摄影师道斯温克尔。There is underwater photographer Dos Winkel as a champion of the sea.

你的老总给你发了一条不堪入目的消息或者你的同事让你实在是很生气。Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really dos you mad.