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谷歌也有了波斯文翻译工具。Google also has a new Farsi translating tool.

我刚来时根本不会讲波斯语。I couldn’t speak Farsi when I first came here.

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乔治·梅森大学今年增加一门韩国语课程,在2008年将再增加一门波斯语课程。GMU added Korean this year and will add Farsi in 2008.

跟你说,视频中的人员绝对没有说波斯语的。FWIW, the guys in the AA crew are definitely not speaking in Farsi.

周五,非死不可宣布他正在制作波斯文网站。On Friday, Facebook announced it is making its Web site available in the Farsi language.

充分发挥各小语种优势,如波斯语翻译、拉伯语翻译等。Make full use of minority language advantage, such as Farsi translation, Arabic translation etc.

支持希伯来语、阿拉伯语、法斯语和乌尔都语。系统首先必须支持这些语言。Support for Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu languages. System must first support these languages.

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“自由门”的版本6.80支持简体中文,繁体中文,英语,西班牙语和波斯语接面。Version 6.80 supports simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English, Spanish and Farsi interfaces.

搜索一下他其实是怎么说的,你要是信不过翻译的,就自己找个波斯语翻译软件。Google what he really said, and even translate it yourself with a Farsi parser if you don't believe it.

汉语排在第三位,代表了全部博文的百分之三,而波斯语系以百分之一的占有率排在第十。At third place, Chinese bloggers represent about three percent of the blogosphere while Farsi edged into the top ten with about one percent.

1956年,一位名叫穆罕默德。赛义德。法尔西的21岁的沙特人,加入了一小队留学生的行列。In 1956 , at the age of 21 , a young Arabian named Mohammed Said Farsi was among a small group of students sent abroad to expand their horizons.

1956年,一位名叫穆罕默德。赛义德。法尔西的21岁的沙特人,加入了一小队留学生的行列。In 1956, at the age of 21, a young Saudi Arabian named Mohammed Said Farsi was among a small group of students sent abroad to expand their horizons.

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遍布中国的传教-训练神学院已经以穆斯林世界为对象进行专门训练,很多人在学习阿拉伯语和法斯语。Missionary-training seminaries all over China are training missionaries specifically for the Islamic world, many of whom are learning Arabic and Farsi.

根据他的国际观,他还要求扩大民事与军事学校的阿拉伯语、汉语、波斯语和普什图语等重要外语的训练。His global view also calls for expanding foreign language training in civilian and military schools in critical languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Farsi and Pashto.

一个自称为伊朗网军的黑客集团绑架了百度主页,并以波斯语留言,称此举旨在抗议外国对伊朗内政的干涉。A hacker group, calling itself Iranian Cyber Army, hijacked Baidu's home page and left a message in Farsi saying that the act was a protest against foreign involvement in Iran's domestic politics.