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衣橱总咯吱咯吱响,犯不上去打扰她。Creaky wardrobe. No use disturbing her.

但是今天我们年、面对的是已经破旧的系统这样一个现实。But today we face the reality of a system that has become creaky.

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与此同时,它们用叽叽嘎嘎与众不同的颤音彼此呼唤。Meanwhile, they called to one another in their distinctive, creaky trill.

传球、传球、传球、伺机寻找曼联后防四人突然出现的漏洞。Pass, pass, pass and look to pick holes in United’s suddenly creaky back four.

它11岁了,患有关节炎,骨头疲倦。He’s 11-years-old and arthritis has made his joints creaky and his bones tired.

描述窗帘上尘土地气味,还有楼梯吱吱嘎嘎地声音。Describe the smell of the dust on the curtains and the sound of the creaky stairs.

然而,尽管有这些财富,科威特的政治系统仍然是摇摇欲坠不堪支持。Yet for all this wealth, Kuwait’s political system remains creaky and crash-prone.

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在进行工业化之前的国家里,大部分基础设施都是又老又朽。In countries that industrialised long ago, much of the infrastructure is old and creaky.

他穿着那双稍微吱吱响的靴子,攀上楼梯,走到过道,并在寝室门前停下来。On quietly creaky boots he went up the staircase to the hall, paused by the bedroom door.

随后,弗拉姆号继续乘着浮冰,以每天几英里的速度吱嘎作响地漂向北极。The Fram continued to ride the floes toward the Pole at the creaky pace of a few miles a day.

吱吱嘎嘎作响的车厢里,新鲜爆玉米花的香气四溢,诱惑难以阻挡。The whole creaky carriage car was redolent with the irresistible smell of freshly popped popcorn.

不像很多外国同行都,然而,美国的反应堆是老龄化和越来越滞涩。Unlike many of their foreign counterparts, however, U. S. reactors are graying and getting creaky.

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小蜜蜂的翅膀可以发出叽叽嘎嘎的声音,它可以从花上拆下来。The bee has creaky wings and thanks to the Velcro it can be detached and re-attached to the flower.

整个系统变得僵硬和过时,曾经世界经济的引擎变得破旧和毫无活力。The system became sclerotic, and over time, the economic engine of the world turned creaky and sluggish.

制止非法移民必须与改革我国支离破碎的合法移民体系同时进行。Now, stopping illegal immigration must go hand in hand with reforming our creaky system of legal immigration.

他在防守端的表现并不好,而且他甚至不会看到科比,除非科比走上罚球线。He looks creaky on defense, and usually didn't even bother to meet Bryant until he got to the free-throw line.

印度社会福利体系,这辆昂贵的,吱吱作响的老爷车,面对改革种姓不平等待遇要求,适应尚需时日。India's creaky but expansive social welfare system has long been geared toward redressing the inequities of caste.

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不同发声类型的开商值在分布范围上存在交叠,反映出从紧喉嗓音到气嗓音之间是一个发声连续统。The OQ data of different phonation types overlaps, which shows it is a continuum from creaky voice to breathy voice.

新建的十多亿的轻轨里,跟我中文一样破烂的英语发布着宣告。Announcements made on the new, multibillion-dollar light rail were delivered in English almost as creaky as my Mandarin.

然而,想到要在重新开始和乘一条叽叽嘎嘎的船去一个鬼才知道的地方之间选一个,我还是愿意回到当下。But the alternatives — starting over or taking a creaky boat to God knows where — brought me back to the present moment.