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大家都知道教授是个怪人。Everyone knows Professor Wilkins is a crackpot.

你有没有听过“crackpot”这个词呢?Have you heard the English expression crackpot?

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格林,我们的这位疯子终于自食其果了。Well, Greene, our crackpot finally flipped his lid.

我听了这些风言风语后,对她想入非非。After I heard these groundless talk , crackpot to her.

那麽谁是贝克尔?一个极不寻常的疯子或狂野的阴谋论者?So who is Becker? A far out crackpot or wild conspiracy theorist?

教授说别在上课时讲那些离题的内容?我想他不会在意的啦!What if we just told him to stop talking about his crackpot ideas in class.

但他们是过于空幻的理想主义者,甚至是带着眼罩的自以为是者。But they were also the crackpot idealist, even the blind overly self-assured person.

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只有疯子才会心甘情愿地承担成为一个智者的责任。Only a crackpot would undertake the task of becoming a man of knowledge of his own accord.

他们拒不面对腐败的泉源,只是想找些希奇古怪的方法来唬弄年夜家。They just try to think of some crackpot solutions while they refuse to face the root of corruption.

所有身上有裂纹的朋友,祝你们天天快乐,每天不要忘记去闻闻你身边的花香。To all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers, on your side of the path.

这些日子来,只要有谁真正坚持这些原则,就会被迅速贴上疯子、叛徒或者更难听的标签。These days anyone who really stands up for that principal is promptly labeled a "crackpot", traitor and worse.

是自不量力吧,可这次在我们的MSN里没有赞成或反对的议论了,大家约好一起去体检。It is a crackpot idea, this time in our MSN is not in favor of or against the arguments we made an appointment to go to a medical examination.