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在哪儿可以学到杂技呢?Whre can we learn acrobatics ?

中国杂技是世界一流的。Chinese acrobatics is out of this world.

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不客气。下次我再带你去看杂技。Next time, I take you to watch acrobatics.

她的杂技表演赢得了热烈的掌声。Her acrobatics were greeted with loud applause.

马英九搞了一些正经八百的政治把戏。Ma has managed some serious political acrobatics.

是体操比赛还是杂技表演?。Is it a gymnastic competition or acrobatics display?

“顶碗”是杂技传统经典节目。Pagoda of bowls is one of the classics in acrobatics.

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在国内很难看到中国杂技。It's very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics at home.

盐城也是杂技和淮河歌剧。Yancheng is also the home to acrobatics and Huai opera.

杂技从事文化报信者的交换桥。Acrobatics undertake Bridge of exchange of culture messenger.

每当看见雌鱼它都会直接游过去求爱。When he sees her, he goes straight to the courtship acrobatics.

“小人国”门票为80元,游客可以观看滑稽小品、群舞及杂技等节目。For 80 yuan tourists can watch skits, group dances and acrobatics.

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沧州的吴桥县是世界著名的杂技之乡。Cangzhou's Wuqiao county is township of the world famous acrobatics.

我们观看了一场演出,内容有木偶戏和杂技。We watched a performance which included a puppet show and acrobatics.

好吧。京剧就是集音乐、蹈、术和杂技为一体的艺术。OK. Peking Opera is a combination of music, dance, art and acrobatics.

因为汉代的“百戏”或“散乐”均带有较多的“杂技”成分。The "opera" and "music" in Han Dynasty have many elements of acrobatics.

杂技教育主要指培养杂技表演人才的教育。Acrobatics education mainly refers to that of cultivating acrobatic actors.

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她8岁,跟我开始练技巧运动时一个年龄。She was eight years old, the same age I was when I began sports acrobatics.

中国杂技重视腰功腿功的训练,也非常重视顶功。Chinese acrobatics has long stressed the basic training of the waist and legs.

天还未亮,邵扬就叫醒绣云,要老婆陪他练功。Its not bright, ShaoYang call embroider cloud, to accompany his wife acrobatics.