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我们称之为维多利亚式的忧伤。Victorian mawkishness, we say.

我们住在一幢维多利亚式的红砖房里。We lived in a Victorian red-brick house.

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这是一辆维多利亚时代的马车。This is a carriage made in Victorian era.

那是一个非常有维多利亚预感的机构。It’s a very foreboding Victorian institution.

在整个维多利亚时期,食品都是被掺假的。All through the Victorian era food was adulterated.

宗教是如何影响维多利亚时代的性反叛?How were Victorian sex rebels influenced by religion?

茶把我们带到了维多利亚时期会客厅的关键。It takes one into the heart of the Victorian parlour.

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再经过维多利亚时期,一直到今天。through the Victorian times up until the current day.

维多利亚时代的学生把鳄鱼皮蒙在墙上。Victorian students put crocodile skins on their walls.

全红的墙纸和维多利亚时代风格的装修决定了情调。Red flocked wallpaper and a Victorian decor set the tone.

蒸汽朋克和哥特风的相同点在于两者吸收了维多利亚时代的服饰元素。Like Goth, steampunk draws on elements of Victorian dress.

白色的维多利亚时代楼梯邋遢的沉睡在太阳下。The white Victorian terraces slumbered scruffily in the sun.

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当你想到维多利亚优雅,锻铁想到的。When you think of Victorian elegance, wrought iron comes to mind.

要探究这个问题,我们要回溯到维多利亚时代。And to discover this we need to journey back to the Victorian era.

从维多利亚时期这个传统一直保留至今。This practice is a holdover from typographers of the Victorian era.

1857年下半年,维多利亚州政府废除该法令。Late in 1857 the Victorian government repealed the Act as ineffective.

面对人行道有一些漂亮的维多利亚时代的房子。There are some delightful Victorian houses fronting onto the pavement.

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维多利亚时代晚期,男人们使用望加锡油作为护发素。In the late Victorian age there men used Macassar oil as a conditioner.

劳埃德勋爵,韦伯是一个艺术收藏家,以热情的维多利亚艺术。Lord Lloyd- Webber is an art collector with a passion for Victorian art.

英国维多利亚时代领导人本杰明·迪斯雷利获得了3%的支持率。Victorian leader Benjamin Disraeli picked up three per-cent of the vote.