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摩尔斯电码是相同的。Morse code is the same.

该如何学习摩尔斯电码。How to learn morse code.

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除了棒球,我还痴迷于摩尔斯电报编码。Besides baseball, I got into Morse code.

我们只是用摩尔斯密码保持联系。We only used Morse code to keeo in touch.

他嗒嗒地拍发了一份摩尔斯电码的电报。Morse code was an early code in telegraphy.

因此不只是试一个方法学习摩尔斯电码。So don't try just one method to learn morse code.

莫尔斯码是传统的无线电报编码,有着广泛的应用。Morse code is a coding method, which is used widely.

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国际通用的莫尔斯电码遇险信号SOS。The international morse code distress signal, S.O.S.

同样的,莫尔斯代码和华氏刻度也不能被收录。The same applies to Morse code and the Farenheit scale.

在练习收发报的时候,它也能够被用来接收莫尔斯代码。It can also be used to receive Morse code for code practice.

请将您的铅笔如果说阶段,并听取莫尔斯电码。Place your pencil where it says START and listen to morse code.

辞退巴茨之后,雅虎董事会任命首席财务官蒂姆•莫尔斯暂代CEO一职。In firing Bartz, the board named CFO Tim Morse as interim chief.

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无频闪的灯光,没有迪厅模式,没有莫尔斯电码,没有多余的设置。No strobe lights, no disco mode, no morse code, no extra settings.

萨缪尔•摩尔斯于1872年4月2日在纽约逝世,享年80岁。Samuel Morse died in New York City at the age of 80 on April 2, 1872.

这些措施包括作家库柏和发明者塞缪尔莫尔斯。These include writer James Fenimore Cooper and inventor Samuel Morse.

事后莫尔斯先生说他似乎是个有头脑的青年。Morse remarked afterward that he seemed a very clear-headed young man.

受过练习的通信员可用莫尔斯键快速发电报。A trained signaller can tap out messages at treat speed on the Morse key.

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还有的将摩斯代码编制在毛衣里,由传信者穿着传递消息。Morse code messages were woven into a sweater that was worn by a courier.

快的密码每次教我摩尔斯电码没有其他的方法为我工作了的地方。CODE QUICK taught me morse code at a time where no other method worked for me.

Morse回忆道,“我拿着相机,开了九十英里到了普林斯顿。"I grabbed my cameras and drove the ninety miles to Princeton," Morse recalls.