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玩世恭玩具——我是我自己!Witchcraft Toys, Truly be myself!

巫是一种异常古老的文化。Witchcraft is an extraordinary ancient culture.

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魔法仪式被用来中和巫术。magic rites were employed to neutralize witchcraft.

几百年来,巫术一直是罗马尼亚文化的一部分。Witchcraft has been part of Romanian culture for centuries.

巫术现在在美国是一种得到认可的宗教。Witchcraft is now a recognized religion in the United States.

他劳累过度,也许把女巫的伎俩误认为治疗术了。He was overwrought and may have mistaken witchcraft for healing.

这里的“巫术”散去暗指富兰克林即将离开。The "witchcraft" line referred to Franklin's imminent departure.

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所有神秘主义和巫术的根基都已立好。All of the foundations for occultism and witchcraft are in place.

夸父拥有地母神的特征,“夸父逐日”乃“控日巫术”仪式的言说。Kua Fu was ever the saying of the ceremony of control of witchcraft.

诺莱坞最流行的影片类型当数枪战片、爱情片和神话故事。The most popular genres in Nollywood are crime, romance and witchcraft.

很快又有人怀疑她使用巫术,他们把她遣回监狱。She was quickly suspected of practicing witchcraft and sent back to prison.

我已经同意要写有关魔法的系列丛书。We have already agreed on another series which is a witchcraft based series.

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巫术的艺术史常常是歧视女性的。The one constant throughout the history of the art of witchcraft is misogyny.

梯玛法事活动中生存崇拜实则是梯玛崇拜。Actually the survival worship is Tima Worship in his activities of witchcraft.

陪审团学会了一个新词汇,今多吉。这是刚果人对巫术的叫法。The jury learnt a new word, kindoki. It is what the Congolese call witchcraft.

这是小夕们的世界观和生活哲理,用来审视小夕们对魔法的判别力。This is our world view and philosophy of life, which we identify as WitchCraft.

1692年,麻塞诸塞州的沙连,许多人相信并且害怕。In Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, many people believed in and feared witchcraft.

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许多女人被控行巫术,遭受拷打后被施以火刑。Many women accused of practicing witchcraft were tortured or even burned to death.

“这小姑娘准是有魔法附体,我敢说,”他对丁梅斯代尔先生说。"The little baggage had witchcraft in her, I profess, " said he to Mr. Dimmesdale.

从14世纪一直到17世纪末,“巫术狂热”一直游荡在欧洲大陆。A "witchcraft craze" rippled through Europe from the 1300s to the end of the 1600s.