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是因为我终于有闲暇时间了?Because I finally found some uncommitted time?

尽早剔除那些抱怨叫苦者。Weed out the uncommitted whiners and complainers early.

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又可以在各种话题中表达一种中立的回答。or perhaps an uncommitted response in a variety of subjects.

会发生不可重读、幻像读和读未提交数据。An unrepeatable read, phantom read, and reads of uncommitted data can occur.

因此,在上一个示例中,您将不会看到未提交的交易。Therefore, in the previous example, you would not see the uncommitted trade.

在此隔离级别中不允许出现幻象行,也不允许未提交读取。Phantom rows are not permitted with this isolation level, nor are uncommitted reads.

在此隔离级别上允许进行幻象行和不可重复读取,但未提交行不可见。Phantom rows and non-repeatable reads are possible, but uncommitted rows are not visible.

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这两种极端都对你不利,会让显得你很不专注、没有责任感、不够格。Either extreme can work against you as you’ll appear unfocused, uncommitted or unqualified.

在此隔离级别上,其他工作单元创建的未提交行不可见。Uncommitted rows created by another unit of work are not visible with this isolation level.

辩论会的听众都是尚未决定支持哪位候选人的选民,他们直接向两位候选人提出问题。Members of the audience, who were uncommitted voters, posed questions directly to the candidates.

一方面,我希望告诉老板实情,但又担心这会让我看起来很麻烦,没有责任感。Part of me wants to tell my boss the truth, but I fear it would make me look drippy and uncommitted.

锁可以防止一个应用程序进程所做的未提交更改被另一个进程访问。Locks prevent uncommitted changes made by one application process from being accessed by other processes.

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雅文战役后,莱娅前往卡巴尔星球,参加重大的“中立星球会议”。Leia attended an important Conference of Uncommitted Worlds on the planet Kabal after the Battle of Yavin.

更糟糕的是,一些管理人员单纯地认为,每周没有工作到60小时的人就是不负责任和多余的。Worse yet, some managers simply assume that anyone who can’t work 60 hours a week is uncommitted and unnecessary.

就算公司的规章制度上写着允许弹性上班制,那些在家工作的员工却仍然被认为是没有对团队尽心尽力。Even if the company rule book says that flexitime is allowed, those who work from home are seen as uncommitted to the team.

事务之间未隔离,只读游标可访问其他事务未提交的更改。Transactions are not isolated from each other, and read only cursors can access uncommitted changes from other transactions.

勇敢地面对女人真正的拒绝或接受,比运用数以百万的把妹技巧更能使你成熟有经验。Be bold and willing to face true rejection or success and you'll grow a lot faster than doing thousands of uncommitted approaches.

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被问到是否有意收购AC米兰的前锋帕托或意大利中场球员皮尔洛时,安切洛蒂没有给出明确的答复。When asked if he would be making bids for Milan's forward Pato or the Italian midfielder Andrea Pirlo, Ancelotti remained uncommitted.

事务隔离级别是基础数据库将已更改但尚未提交的数据向其他事务公开的程度。The transaction isolation level is the degree to which the underlying database exposes changed but uncommitted data to other transactions.

这个协议可以避免死锁,而且高优先级事务不会被未提交的低优先级事务阻塞。We show that this protocol is free of deadlock and in addition a high priority transaction is not blocked by uncommitted lower priority transactions.