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拉乌夫后来从巴基斯坦的看管之下逃之夭夭。Rauf later escaped from Pakistani custody.

巴基斯坦武装分子公布了一段视频,内容是一名五个月前遭到绑架的波兰地质学家被斩首杀害。Polish man beheaded in Pakistani militant video

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是战斗机在掩护附近的巴基斯坦哨所吗?Were fighters sheltering near the Pakistani outposts?

巴基斯坦的企业家阿谢尔·哈弗兹就是这种情况。That was true for Pakistani entrepreneur Ashar Hafeez.

他们联手协作,共同挑战巴基斯坦国。They are working together to challenge the Pakistani state.

他,是巴基斯坦有名的妇产科医生。He is a famous Pakistani ob-gyn who was educated in Ireland.

夷平一座巴基斯坦城市的后果让奥巴马踌躇了。The prospect of flattening a Pakistani city made Obama pause.

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巴基斯坦政府和人民没有退却。However, the Pakistani government and people haven’t retreated.

廿五名巴基斯坦士兵被释放后已安全返抵家门。Twenty-five Pakistani soldiers return home safely after release.

他属巴基斯坦穆斯林人,之所以敢玩命,自有其压倒一切的理由。A Pakistani Muslim, he had one overriding reason to risk his life.

巴海托罗位于马尼拉以北的奎松市郊外。Pakistani Toro is located in suburban Quezon City north of Manila.

巴政府和人民对此十分感谢。The Pakistani government and people were deeply thankful for this.

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一位巴基斯坦人点燃烟花来纪念先知日。Pakistani man lights fireworks in celebration of Eid Milad-un-Nabi.

训练中,巴基斯坦士兵伪装成受伤或死亡。During exercises, Pakistani soldiers pretended to be dead or injured.

不要跟随巴基斯坦精英阶层的脚步,让他们破产。Do not follow in the footsteps of the Pakistani elite by failing them.

一名巴基斯坦档主在出售太阳眼镜在伊斯兰堡的路边上。Pakistani vendor sells sunglasses by the side of the road in Islamabad.

直到最近,百分之六十的巴基斯坦学童处于碘缺乏的状态。Until recently, 6 in 10 Pakistani schoolchildren were iodine-deficient.

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最近巴黎的很多洗碗工要么是巴基斯坦人,要么是西非人。Most plongeurs in Paris these days are either Pakistani or West African.

在巴境内仍然存在着许多可以回旋的力量,”一位官员说。There is a lot of resilience in the Pakistani state, " one official said.

Mohsin说,在巴基斯坦社会,女科学家面临许多障碍。Women scientists face numerous hurdles in Pakistani society, Mohsin says.