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你已经感觉到了一个好的氛围。You've got a good vibe.

我想,它给了伦敦一种特有的氛围。I think, it gives London its vibe.

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我只接纳与我意气相投的人。I only let people in who vibe with me.

引起了共鸣,我像是从这儿去了亚洲,跳跃吧,翻腾吧Feel the vibe from here to Asia, dip trip, flip fantasia

穿上一条少女感十足的裙子搭配性感的上装会让人更前卫。Pair a girlier one with sexy-on-top stuff for an edgier vibe.

够了,我受够这些薰香以及薄荷的感觉了。Enough, already with this mellow incense and peppermints vibe.

没有什么负面的心态能大于我们心中的怨恨。There is no negative vibe bigger than holding a grudge in our hearts.

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或者,用钟形袖鲜明印花的连衣裙来开辟波西米亚式风格。Alternatively, channel a Boho vibe with a bell-sleeved bold print dress.

然后课上大都盛传,讲课以外,and the way the general vibe of the class is, outside of the lecture and

任何逆行的行星,都会暗淡、散发微弱的影响。When any planet retrogrades, that planet rests and emits a very weak vibe.

我猜那是我听说过的寒冷的荷兰环境的一部分。I guess that's part of the chilled-out Dutch vibe I've heard so much about.

里面有很多乐器的融合和循环,像钢琴、不插电的吉他声,非常不同的感觉。It's got a lot of loops, pianos and acousticguitar, so a very different vibe.

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可他很正儿八经。他没有用类式罗宾汉怪叫的玩意儿来戏弄我。But he was all business. I didn't get that Robin Hood vibe or anything like that.

她柔软的刘海提供了一种更悠闲的夏日氛围。Her soft bangs and face-framing layers give the look a more laid-back, summery vibe.

但是也有许多年轻人,他们是城市生活的“逃避者”,使这里有了一种旅行者和艺术家的氛围。But many were young urban escapists and there was a sort of traveller-cum-artsy vibe.

他迅速的将该岛转变为一个魔术师的具有Gilligan岛屿感觉的游乐场。He quickly transformed it into a magician’s playground with a Gilligan’s Island vibe.

但dubstep音乐和演出氛围中却并不一致。But with dubstep, there was a degree of non-congruence between the music and the vibe.

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这座位于加州北部的城市有着雍容华贵的外表和令人心旷神怡的感染力。California's northern city has gorgeous good looks and an infectiously laid back vibe.

如果要通过网络检查,你见到的是截然不同的情况。If you go through a network filter, you get a totally different vibe , " Dikkers says."

整部片子的氛围还是那样的离奇,正如大卫•林奇的一贯风格。The whole vibe of the movie is disorienting, which is exactly how David Lynch likes it.