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旅行杯,在美丽的栗色。a travel mug, in beautiful maroon.

颜色适中,樱桃红里透着一圈栗色光环。Medium-intense, cherry-red color with a maroon rim.

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栗色、酱紫色和白色是州民喜欢的颜色。Maroon , purple and white sauce is the color of the state like China.

随后戴上了享有声望的伞兵栗色头巾。I was then allowed to wear the paratrooper's prestigious maroon turban.

被半径的加冕礼是一黑暗的和和赤字的最微小暗示的深逃亡黑人奴隶。The Coronation Red is a dark and deep maroon with the slightest hint of red.

那个塔利班士兵随后又带我们走进了一间装饰有栗色地毯和靠枕的房间。The guard led us into a living room decorated with maroon carpets and red pillows.

红狮子鱼褐白相间的条纹真是为它的毒刺锦上添花。The red lionfish sports maroon and white stripes to complement its venomous spines.

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它气味芳香花期又长,花朵色白有褐红色斑点。A great scent and a longish flowering period, the flowers are white with maroon blotches.

门内有紫红色的沙发吧,前窗衬活的植物。There is a maroon sofa right inside the door. The front windows are lined with living plants.

那天,我穿了女儿为我挑选的栗色天鹅绒裤装,村庄里的大多数人都应邀参加了我的婚礼。I wore a maroon velvet trouser suit that my daughter chose, and most of the village came to the reception.

士兵们围聚在很大的会议桌旁,褐红色的军帽分散地放在桌子前。FORT BRAGG, N.C.— The soldiers crowd around a large conference table, their maroon berets scattered on top.

士兵们围聚在很大的会议桌旁,褐红色的军帽分散地放在桌子前。FORT BRAGG, N.C. — The soldiers crowd around a large conference table, their maroon berets scattered on top.

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整体体羽黑色,胸具白色宽纹,翼具白斑,腹部具深栗色横纹。Overall plume of black, white chest with wide profile, wing with leukoplakia, a deep abdominal Maroon cross striations.

标记全新的搬运车样式,榆木进来音调绿色,黑或者褐红与绒面革和帆布鞋帮的混合。Marking an entirely new Vans style, the Elms come in tonal green, black or maroon with a mix of suede and canvas uppers.

红豆也叫赤豆,是一种褐红色的味道香甜的豆子。My husband particularly enjoys dumplings made with red beans, the fragrant maroon seeds that are also known as adzuki beans.

这些强盗并不想要赎金,他们把船员杀死或是投海,洗劫了船只,用假文件把抢来的货物卖掉。These bandits aren't after ransom, preferring to kill or maroon crews, pillage ships, and sell the cargo under false papers.

画面上排列着四辆栗色轿车,分属于不同品牌却出自同一个设计制造平台,所以外形看起来如出一辙。It featured four maroon sedans, each from a different GM brand but built on the same engineering platform. All looked identical.

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巴塞那红蓝条纹球衣此前一直无赞助商,直到2006年他们将联合国儿童基金的标志印了上去。Barcelona's maroon and blue striped shirt was without a sponsor before the club put the children's charity on their shirt fronts in 2006.

我刚刚扣好身上的紫色衬衫的扣子,穿上黑色裙子,然后跑到浴室里站在镜子前涂睫毛膏。I stood in the front of the bathroom mirror applying mascara. I had just finished putting on my maroon button up shirt and a black skirt.

一整排身穿暗淡褐紫红袍的佛像,在美丽的蔚蓝色衬托下,头部顶著光环行走在花丛间的莲叶上。A series of Buddhas dressed in sombre-hued maroon robes and framed with aureoles against an azure background walk on lotus pads set among flowers.