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肿瘤细胞有波浪或逗点状细胞核并排列成涡纹状或束状形式,高核染质和非典型有丝分裂非常显著。These tumor cells were all with wavy or comma-shaped nuclei arranged in storiform or fascicular pattern.

神奇的海底世界丛生着五彩斑谰。形态各异的珊瑚。Magical marine world is fascicular multicoloured spot calumniate, configuration the coral of each different.

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茎丛生,枝开展,拱形下垂,小枝绿色,微有四棱状,髓心薄片状。The bine is fascicular , the branch is begun, vaulted and flagging, rod green, small have 4 arris state, shape of pith heart chip.

在臂部采用正中神经部分束移位时,要了解神经干内束组的分布特点。The distribution of intraneural fascicular groups should be concerned when partial transfer of median nerve in the upper arm was done.

结果5例病人中,1例出现束颤电位,1例出现神经性受损,其余3例为阴性。Results In the 5 patients with CJD, 1 exhibited the fascicular potential, 1 the peripheral nervous impairment. The other 3 were all negative.

在臂部采用正中神经部分束移位时,要了解神经干内束组的分布特点。Microanatomical dissection of the median nerve was done to observe the distribution of fascicular groups of the median nerve in the upper arm.

组织学上,它的组成是双极的梭状细胞成束状排列,中间夹杂有不等残的胶原纤维。Histologically, it was composed of plump and long bipolar, spindle cells arranged in fascicular clusters with intervening broad collagen bands.

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它使得资源配置扭曲,交易成本增高,社会福利损失,腐败丛生,市场经济发展受阻。It makes resource configuration screwy, trade cost heighten, social welfare loss, corrupt and fascicular , market economy grows suffocate suffocate.

真阴真阳亏虚,不能激发,推动机体的正常生理活动而致诸症丛生。Deficient empty of true shade true this world, cannot arouse, the normal physiology activity that promotes airframe and cause all disease fascicular.

一时间,此前被认为市场格局已相对稳定的网络视频行业再次变数丛生。For a short while, the network video industry that is thought market structure is relatively stable already before this again variable is fascicular.

通过对银杏单叶芽和丛状叶芽扦插的试验研究,探索出适宜于银杏叶芽生根的生态环境条件。In this paper the suitable ecological conditions for the leaf bud of ginkgo to take roots are probed by the cuttage test of simple and fascicular leaf buds of ginkgo.

电镜观察束状带细胞胞浆中富含线粒体、光面内质网及大小不等的脂滴,线粒体嵴呈空泡状。The cell plasma of fascicular zone contained a great deal of mitochondria, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets observed by transmission electron microscopy.

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一批新兴的公司正在帮助为跨国公司在危险丛生的中国网络中导航,大旗便是其中一家这样的公司。A batch of burgeoning companies are for transnational corporation in the help in dangerous and fascicular China network navigation, old standard is among them a such company.

知道马上成功之理了,下一步要做的就是抢占山头,让那些杂草丛生的大山的每一个山峰都长出我们的小草。Know the successful truth on the horse, what should do next is hilltop of race to control, each mountain peak of the big hill that makes those fireweed fascicular grows our small grass.